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Disney News (6/16) – The New Little Mermaid Show Coming to Hollywood Studios and Donald Duck’s 90th Birthday

Episode 10

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New Little Mermaid Show coming to Hollywood Studios

In this week’s episode, we discuss the latest Disney news, we answer a listener voicemail from a grandmother taking her grandchild to Disney for the first time, Kelli describes the new Little Mermaid show coming to Hollywood Studios, and Chris helps us celebrate Donald Duck’s 90th birthday with details you probably didn’t know!

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Show Notes:

Kelli and Chris discuss Disney’s Donald Duck, including his origins and evolution. They also cover various Disney-related topics, such as updates to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the closure of the Frontierland Shooting Gallery. Additionally, they share tips for planning a successful Disney vacation with kids, emphasizing the importance of setting expectations and providing entertainment. Chris expresses enthusiasm for the upcoming live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid, while Kelli shares her thoughts on the use of digital puppets and the potential for a new lounge at Magic Kingdom.

  • Tomorrowland
  • World Showcase
    • Happy 90th Birthday Donald Duck!!
    • There is some discrepancy around Donald’s Birthday
      • June 9 is his official birthday due to his debut as a minor Character in The Wise Little Hen on June 9, 1943
      • But some of his shorts and movies offer an alternative date
        • The 3 Caballeros he’s said to have been born on Friday the 13th, paying attention to the bad luck Donald seems to experience.
        • And in the short film, Donald’s Happy Birthday, claims his big day in March 13th.
    • He was in the military – not just because he wears sailor gear.
      • On May 1, 1942, Donald Duck made his first appearance in the military in the film Donald Gets Drafted, according to
      • The U.S. government asked Disney to use Donald Duck in short films that tried to motivate people to pay their taxes to support the war effort during World War II.
    • Speaking of his military service, in that same short film, we learn that Donald has a middle name…
      • Fauntleroy
    • The creation of Donald might have been inspired by a famous voice actor at the time… (right from the Time article)
      • Clarence Nash had a talent for animal imitations, film historian J.B. Kaufman told NPR. The voice actor had already been doing some freelance work for Disney before he took on the iconic—and often unintelligible—role of Donald Duck, according to Kaufman. Kaufman said that Nash is partly to thank for the creation of Donald Duck—the voice actor had a “parlor trick of putting on this baby goat’s voice” to do “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” and when Walt Disney heard this, he imagined a talking duck.

Nash also voiced Donald Duck’s nephews, Uncle Scrooge, and sometimes even Mickey Mouse, according to the Oklahoma Historical Society. While Nash retired from Disney in 1971, he often performed his duck voice for children who were in hospitals. He voiced Donald Duck one last time for Mickey’s Christmas Carol in 1983, before he died of leukemia in 1985.

Since 1985, Tony Anselmo has been the main voice behind Donald Duck. He was trained by Nash himself for the role, according to the Hollywood Walk of Fame website.

  • Donald Duck has a twin sister – Della
    • We know that he has 3 nephews (Huey, Dewey, and Louie), so that MUST mean he has a sister.
    • Apparently she plays a recurring role in the reboot of Ducktales that launched in 2017.
    • Part of Della Duck’s storyline in the show is about her crash landing on the moon, which caused her to lose a leg.
  • TV Guide rated him one of the greatest cartoon characters of all time.
    • Donald Duck ranked at 43 in the 2002 list, sharing the list with other beloved characters like Bugs Bunny, Homer Simpson, The Grinch, and SpongeBob SquarePants
  • He is on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
    • On Aug 9, 2004 – he received his star at 6840 Hollywood Blvd
  • He has won an OSCAR!
    • Well actually a short film that he was in won the Oscar in 1943 for best cartoon short
    • It was called Der Fuehrer’s Face, an anti-Nazi political satire short film
  • He is OF COURSE the inspiration for a University mascot – maybe the best mascot after Cocky of the University of South Carolina
    • The U of O’s official mascot is known as The Oregon Duck. In an informal deal, Disney allowed the university to use the beloved cartoon character’s likeness for its mascot for free, so long as “it was used in a reputable manner,” according to the university’s website. When Walt Disney died in 1966, his estate and the university realized there wasn’t a formal contract over the mascot, so the two parties “worked to create a written agreement outlining the terms of Donald’s continued use as Oregon’s official duck representative,” the university said on its website.


New the Little Mermaid Show coming to Hollywood Studios

Episode Transcript:

NOTE: This transcript was created with AI. Please excuse any inaccuracies.

Welcome aboard Disney fam Hello out there Disney fam. My name is Chris and I’m Kelly. Welcome to the show this week. Kelly is wearing topic on topic ears but not for her own time

Kelli 0:46
for my topic for your top my top I don’t even have topic adjacent ears. Crazy. I’m

Chris 0:52
so honored is it for Father’s Day. It’s not okay. But they are Donald Duck ear. ears. The ears are actually his feet. So it’s like he’s upside down coming up.

Kelli 1:04
And he’s also got a little tail and a little fluffy tail which

Chris 1:07
is honestly your favorite part. That’s

Kelli 1:08
my favorite part of Donald and Daisy are their little little tails. I will say these things are just as slippery as grease. And so they do not stay on your head or just to slip

Chris 1:22
down he saw it is

Kelli 1:23
downy soft. That is true. Hey honey, did anybody listen to us this week?

Chris 1:28
They did. But before I get into that, I do want to say a couple of administrative things here. One we big huge shout out to Disney assemble podcasts. We spent a little time with them this week and they are everything that you did you think they’re real in real life right when you when you hear them on their show. Such a wonderful time spending time with them. Thank you so much to them. And Happy Father’s Day out there to all the dads and dads figures that are celebrating today. We appreciate you all.

Kelli 2:00

Chris 2:01
We did get downloads. Forney, Texas fo r EY I don’t know why that sounds weird to me. But Forney, Texas.

Kelli 2:09
I knew some fournis once some people like their last name was last name was Forney. Oh,

Chris 2:16
okay. I’ll leave it at that. Okay. Y’all were very polite to them and never made up any names about their names ever. It’s a little suburb east of Dallas deemed by the Texas legislature as the anti Capital of

Kelli 2:29
Texas, the antique Capital of Texas.

Chris 2:33
Because folks there go to

Kelli 2:35
a lot there. They are. antiquey Param.

Chris 2:39
Minnesota is spelled like per ham. But I’m gonna say that it’s probably perm persona. Okay. 3500 Fine, folks in Otter Tail County,

Kelli 2:48
Otter Tail County now. I like that. I wonder if it is in the shape of

Chris 2:53
it’s not I actually saw it. It’s not in the shape of an Otter

Kelli 2:56
Tail. Well, that’s kind of sad. I really wanted

Chris 2:59
it like it’s because they catch otters and chop their tails off.

Kelli 3:01
Oh, shut up. They do not. These people are not bad melbury name that. They are

Chris 3:07
thinking it’s adorable. County out of

Kelli 3:10
cheap. Would you do that?

Chris 3:13
Then broke Massachusetts, known in its early years as the shipbuilding capital of the state. They they had lots of timber and access to the river that led out to the bigger water. So they they were big shipbuilders. Okay, from Massachusetts. All right, cool. I’m sorry, Pembroke Pembroke. Yeah. And then lastly, we had Tadworth Surrey in the UK had worked had worked just so cute. Is this a village of about 10,000 people in Surrey just south of London.

Kelli 3:42
Sorry. I love that. That is fantastic. This time last year. I was in London sure

Chris 3:48
were you were living there I was just living in London living the dream in London is right before you jump off to Paris and then San Sebastian Spain what a live you lead

ready for it ready? permits have been filed for a lengthy extensive Big Thunder Mountain refurb at Walt Disney World that’s exciting. It is it is the permit list coastal steel as the contractor and general and quote general construction as the description of the work to be completed.

Kelli 4:32
General construction structure. I thought you said for Secretary General destruction

Chris 4:37
sometimes you know they go hand in hand.

Kelli 4:40
General General destruction,

Chris 4:42
right so August 25 is the is the expiration date on the permit and that’s longer than the standard one year for these types of reefer permits often so. Okay, so we’re getting our eyes set on some pretty extensive stuff here for Big Thunder. Okay, um, for Yeah, I feel like as much as everybody wins, which is Big Thunder is loved. I still feel like it’s underrated.

Kelli 5:06

Chris 5:07
Do you think you feel that way? Yes, for sure. Space Mountain Tron Flash has gotten so much smooth ride.

Kelli 5:14
It’s not a sprint. So I think it’s due for some updates. Although, you know, the lines at Big Thunder are always long,

Chris 5:20
they’re always long. You know, it’s not just the smoothness I think also some of the storytelling in it. For the one for the one in the Walt Disney World in Florida. The one out that we went to in Paris was top marks top marks. Yeah, right. No, I

Kelli 5:41
agree with you. They could absolutely update the story a bit. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris 5:44
Some of the some of the special effects whatnot. Yeah, the frontier land shooting Arcade is the site of the next big does Twitter upset. I’m just kidding. I mean, I’m not really just kidding. But I love it. But they’re taking the frontier Lane shooting arcade out it’s gonna be permanently closed. And that is going to be the location for the new DVC lounge at the MK at Magic Kingdom. So we’re, we’re biased as DVC members. I love the idea of having a lounge there. And

Kelli 6:18
it’s a lounge. It’s for me. That’s right. I like it. Always need a lounge. Look.

Chris 6:22
We did the shooting arcade on our last trip. It’s it’s fun. It’s

Kelli 6:27
fun, but we rarely anyway, you can literally

Chris 6:29
do that at any go to Myrtle Beach. You’ll they’re all over the place. Right?

Kelli 6:33
It’s just not it’s not novel. Folks,

Chris 6:37
folks online or have been complaining that it is. It’s another opening day attraction that’s going away. You know, well, wow.

Kelli 6:46
times times change. That’s

Chris 6:47
right. We just celebrated 50 years, man. Let’s give let’s give us DBCP will allow and give us a lounge. Celebrate Seon incanto launched at Epcot. Okay. And I don’t have anything else to say here. Except that Mirabelle just looks glorious. Y’all. Just looks so good.

Kelli 7:11
I love it. I hope she made the skirt herself. She did. She’s really good at that type of thing.

Chris 7:18
I mean, I don’t think we’re gonna get back there in time to see this. It’s supposed to end like in September or whatever. So make wait for another show. But right. But just she looks great. I’m sure that there’s a video on YouTube by now. So it’s awesome. The new country bear jamboree show starts on July 17. Yay for you is yay for me. It is yay for me. I hope that the maximum buff and the on the walls there their eyes. Don’t click and clack so hard. I don’t click people are gonna be so upset. I won’t be upset and I think that they will also. I mean, imagine being yourself and every time you blink, your eyes are made that noise you would be so happy to solve that problem.

Kelli 8:00
I mean, I would think so. But you never know. I mean, honestly, I think that’s a problem that just low felt could fix. That’s a huge upgrade.

Chris 8:09
And and we’ve you know, we’ve seen the little crop tops that Beulah and whatever. Three names are Tommy’s or sofas, that little little crop tops in there, cowboy cowgirl hat. Yeah, so hey, so we got some kind of fun. For our foreign little. We

Kelli 8:34
got a voicemail, we did want to answer this voicemail personally. So honey, go ahead and play the voicemail. This is awesome.

Speaker 1 8:41
I’m just wondering if you guys have kids of your own, and how you spend time with them at Disney. I have a grandchild and we’re looking forward to go and soon. And just wanted to get some tips from you. Thanks a lot.

Kelli 8:57
First of all this made our year did

Chris 9:01
the bet we’re gonna offer some tips. But the best part about this is that we got a voicemail, and we love it. It

Kelli 9:07
made our absolute year. So here’s what I want to say if you would like to leave us a voicemail, you go to our website, the voicemail link is right up in the top nav, you’re welcome to do that. Beginning this week, you can also send us a text message, it’s going to be in the show notes for every single show. So wherever you get your shows at in the show notes, the very first link says send us a text message so you can text us or send us a voicemail. We would love nothing more than to communicate with you directly. But let’s go ahead and answer the question. Honey, you made some tips. Sure.

Chris 9:37
That’s right. So a understand as the grandparent I was on the other side of this for a long time, I was the grandkid that was being taken by my grandma. So I you know I get where everybody’s coming from here. Absolutely. Number one. recognize right away that ultimately your goal here is to create great memories right so so so You want to set yourself up for success there, right? And Disney today requires a lot of planning. Just where you’re gonna eat, which parts you’re gonna go to on which days, and it takes. So I’m saying during that process, go ahead and incorporate the realization that you’re going with kids. And there needs to be some intentionality around planning for that, you know, real life scenario,

Kelli 10:25
right? And whatever your kid needs. So, you know, we don’t know how old this grandchild is. And so they could have other needs as well, right? Maybe they have specific dietary needs. Maybe they have other emotional or behavioral needs. So take all of that into account. When you’re planning to set up for success.

Chris 10:43
Here are some of the things that we would recommend being intentional about. Set expectations as best you can. Because Disney can be overwhelming in a lot of ways. Crowds, noise, waiting in lines, even the size of some of the furry characters like the Mickey’s and the goofy, and all that sometimes those can be overwhelming for little kids, when they see them for the first time. Oh, gosh, Mickey seems small on TV. Mickey’s enormous?

Kelli 11:10
Yeah, I mean, I’ll say we do have children. And the first time we took them, they were eight and 11. And we wanted it to be a surprise, even though we knew that emotionally and behaviorally setting those expectations would have made for a more successful trip. Exactly. So we knew what we were going into because we wanted it to be a surprise. And so we had set up other other things, right, so they both have like kindle fires, and we downloaded videos onto their Kindle Fires, where as we were traveling to Disney, they could watch POVs on some of the rides. They could also watch those old Stasi videos that played on the hotel on the resort stuff, just in order to set those expectations. Yes, again. So

Chris 11:57
setting those expectations is big. My grandmother, I’ve told the story a few times my grandmother used to replace bedtime stories, when I would stay at her house, she would replace bedtime stories with here’s what we’re going to do when we go to Disney and a few months or a few weeks or whatever. And so today I think of that as this this wonderful, poignant time when me and my grandma but also I want to believe that she was also setting expectations for me to know what to expect on our on our trip. Yeah, so I’d say work really hard be really intentional about setting those expectations. Bring ways to intersect. This is the next tip bring ways to entertain the group while waiting in long lines or waiting for food or waiting for shows to start or whatever. There’s a multitude of games, pocket games even that there can be played, whether it’s you know, things that don’t require other you know, equipment like I Spy truth, two truths and a lie 20 Questions etc. Or, you know, I just saw a tip recently about Mad Libs, that would be a really fun thing to do while you’re standing in line. We used to take a there was a little deck of cards, I think it was called I see it where I spelled like EY e, where Disney cards, there were a little Disney version of ice it that also just killed time and there’s lots of ways to do that. It’s also a good time to break out some snacks I would say bring some of your own snacks, little goldfish crackers or things like that. Pop those out while you’re waiting in line. That’s a good time to do that.

Kelli 13:26
There are also games on the My Disney Experience app that you can play like headbands and things like that. You see people doing that in line all the time.

Chris 13:35
Exactly. I couldn’t remember the name of that that sorry. I would also for for some of those older kids. That Disney app will also have some of the inherent games that Disney offers inside the parks the various scavenger hunt games and and things of that nature. That can be fun for those that are older than toddler but might not be quite teenagers. The biggest one we probably have is planned for downtime plan for down days. Assume that you will not be doing everything in the parks on when you go to the parks. Don’t try to cram it all intentionally choose the things that you know you want to do the most plan to do those anything else on top of that is gravy. You’re going to find the time in the parks is going to be the things you remember positively regardless of what you actually end up riding. Slow down. Take a full day at the resort. Yeah, I don’t know any kid anywhere in the world that doesn’t look forward to getting back to the hotel side and getting the pool. Disney is no exception. They take full advantage of that. They do movies under the stars at every resort. You know look out for those crafts and things they have crafts day. Absolutely they do. So take advantage of your resort and do a full resort day. Have dinner they have lunch breakfast, lunch and dinner there it you will absolutely not regret it and neither will your grandkid.

Kelli 14:58
Yeah, one of the things I I want to say there is room service. I always wanted to do room service and we travel and we didn’t because it was so expensive. But Disney has some options where you can get a pizza and some drinks, you know delivered from Disney to your hotel room. So you don’t have to order from like a local pizza place. Disney will deliver a pizza to your hotel room. And that’s just that’s a good time.

Chris 15:22
Some of the absolutely some of my favorite favorite memories are eating meals at the resort by the pool or by the movies under the stars with my grandparents. I am watching the fireworks on the balcony. We weren’t in the parks. But I have such huge fond memories of those moments.

Kelli 15:41
Yeah, I didn’t do the stroller tip too, because I think so

Chris 15:45
the last one here is specifically for the little kids splurge to rent the stroller, they have great strollers at Disney. And you are going to love having it in the parks. Because it’s going to give you it’s going to give the kids rush. Think about these. You’re a full day and one of the parks is a 10 to 12 mile hike. That’s a lot for anybody, especially a little. So you’re gonna love having that stroller because that also might mean the difference between allowing them to have a nap while in the park versus going back to the room for a nap. Naps are important. Right. So that allows for that. But then you’re also going to love not having that stroller when it’s time to board transportation to and from the parks. Yes, because that is just so cumbersome on everybody. I

Kelli 16:28
feel so sorry for all of the dads that have to juggle those double strollers exactly on to the transportation, just rent a stroller. Or if you’ve got like a basic umbrella stroller. That would be fine, too. So strollers are great if your grandkid is a stroller age. But just don’t plan on dragging that thing all over the place with you. Unless you know it is doable, like an umbrella stroller it’s really liked.

Chris 16:54
Yes. So if these have been hopefully these have been helpful. Thank you so much for the for the question and the phone call. We absolutely loved it. This segment has gone if you want to come back and re listen to this. We started this at about the 1111 or so we’ve been we’ve been recording that for about 17 minutes. So between like 11 and 11 minute, I’ll put that in the chapter. Something around there. Yeah. So Tomorrowland on Tomorrowland. Yeah, let’s do it up. Thank you for the phone call.

Kelli 17:22
We were so thank you and please, y’all leave us more. We love doing this. So I am doing the new Little Mermaid show coming to Hollywood Studios. Oh boy. Yeah, no, it’s awesome. I

Chris 17:35
love the old one. So

Kelli 17:36
I’m excited about this is literally just like taking it completely 1000 nods. Okay, like you won’t believe it. So it is in animation courtyard, which is where the current one is, and it’s going to be in that same theater. What is the exact same is so if you’re not familiar with where animation courtyard is at Hollywood studios, it is behind the Brown Derby. So it’s got the current show there. There’s also the Star Wars launch bay where you can meet Darth Vader chewy and BBA. There’s Disney Jr. play and dance where you can meet Disney Jr. Characters. Okay, so that’s sort of the area where it is. And it will be in the same theater that it’s currently at. This is supposed to open in fall of 2024. There’s no official date yet. Okay. Okay, but this is how they’re describing it. Grab your snorkel because today we’re diving in with the Disney live entertainment creative team working behind the scenes. So on the Little Mermaid, a musical adventure an all new theatrical production coming to Disney Hollywood Studios this fall. So theatrical production is something to keep in mind. Okay, so it is titled In case you missed that the Little Mermaid a musical adventure. Okay, it is fully reimagined, theatrical production and it is based on the Little Mermaid, it will debut in a fresh theater, okay, so they’re reaffirming the theater and everything. And they have to because the show will have new set pieces, cutting edge effects and a bold new design that captures Ariel’s imagination and emotions through her unique view of the world around her interesting okay. So this is told from Ariel’s viewpoint as a young empowered, strong heroine searching for where she belongs. Now. Here’s what I will say is I think the strong empowered heroine is black. But this Ariel is white. Okay, so there’s a bit of a mash up here happening between live action Little Mermaid, mermaid in order to make her this strong heroine. I don’t know why they went with the classic. I feel like this would have been a great opportunity to bring in because well because here’s the beauty is there will be live actors and actresses on the set. To as well as animated characters on the screen and they’re interacting with each other interesting. So this would have been such a great time to bring those things together. I don’t know why they didn’t do that, but whatever. So to pull off this artful blend of practical and projected scenic design of real and digital puppetry, the team is pairing some tried and trued methods. That would be the black light puppets. Nice,

Chris 20:29

Kelli 20:30
I love a good black light. They had those in the old one. And they were really great, right? So those aren’t going away. Black Light puppets are coming back. But they’re pairing those with state of the art technology. Okay. So basically, the live performers will be in suits covered with a bunch of sensors, the data captured from them, creates a digital animation character, which you will see live on stage was right. So you’ve got actual live performers in suits with all of these sensors, and whatever they’re doing to move and I’m doing my arms, y’all, you are doing the bar, dance. And I’m like being Ursula tentacles, okay, because Ursula is the one that I saw online. Okay, so like you see them up there with all these sensors and stuff moving around. And whatever it is they’re doing creates a live animated version on the stage of it. Isn’t that always really,

Chris 21:30
really cool? I wonder if they pulled from like, some of the technology related to turtle talk with crush or laugh factory where the the animated characters are clearly saying what the what the actor is saying. But I also have often thought that their facial expressions are mirroring, or at least I like to think their facial expressions are mirroring what the actor is. So

Kelli 21:54
I think it’s similar. But beyond even more, me on that rolling upon think about some of the live action films that we’ve recently seen from Disney. Parts of those are still animated, right? They just, they, they’re animated. So well look real, they look real, but parts of those are still animated, right? Think about live action, Aladdin, and when Lion King, right and Lion King, okay, so parts of the Little Mermaid for that matter, too, okay. So what they’re essentially doing is taking the movie technology, and bringing it to a live stage isn’t

Chris 22:25
really exciting, super excited.

Kelli 22:28
And so they said, we’re really blending the line between real and digital in ways we’ve never done before, to completely fill the stage for show stopping scenes. It’s gonna be a mess, it’s gonna be really gonna be amazing. So this is I’m quoting here, you’re gonna see these large new physical set pieces that we’ve created to blend seamlessly with a digital environment in a way that really fills the stage. Now, some of the set pieces that I saw are black and white, and they look like what you can imagine the sets in Mickey’s runaway railway look like we’re you know, they’re projecting Oh, yeah, the screen right. So Mickey, that’s what I’ve always said about Mickey’s runaway railway anything is they could totally reskin that thing for Christmas with like, a snap of the finger. Because the set pieces are just black and white. Everything’s projected. Right,

Chris 23:32
right. Yeah. So

Kelli 23:34
that’s what it looks like. These look like black and white set pieces with projection. Right? How cool is that? Okay. You’ll see digital puppets transform into real ones right before your eyes.

Chris 23:49
Like something started popping out of a screen, right?

Kelli 23:52
Like I’m thinking like Sebastian and flounder. Right. The The Seagull.

Chris 23:58
Yeah, right. I

Kelli 24:01
can’t remember seagulls name Eddie Hackett. Yep. Okay. You’ll even see animated characters performing in the same space as real actors. This is a quote and I think it’s ridiculous, but the quote is, it’s going to feel like magic. Okay, so here’s what I would say. No, it’s gonna feel like Disney.

Chris 24:23
Disney’s magic is magic. Experiences magic

Kelli 24:27
is gonna feel like Disney. I feel like could have gone a little bit better with that quote, yeah,

Chris 24:31
somebody somewhere is like really?

Kelli 24:33
Right. That’s what you went with. Okay. This brand new show will build on elements from the previous one. But it has a whole new cast of puppets physical set pieces, and it showcases the different aesthetic, and it has two additional musical numbers. So Daughters of Triton is one of the first ones that we see. And the iconic kiss the girl would now be included for the guest to a nice night. So the image that I’m putting out on our on our website with this is the view of kiss the girl. And you can see, like, Ariel and Eric are so small in the middle of this because the set is so massive. It’s it’s just amazing. Okay, I’m

Chris 25:20
so excited.

Kelli 25:20
I saw there’s an image of Ursula, like all suited up and you can see the screen. Yeah, that you can see her with all the sensors on. And then you can see like her body on the screen it looks like a skeleton that’s moving. And then in the screen next to it. You see the final.

Chris 25:41
It’s, it’s gonna be really cool.

Kelli 25:44
So goal, here is the punch line.

Chris 25:47

Kelli 25:48
I have buried the lead. Oh,

Chris 25:51
I’m so excited. I

Kelli 25:53
have buried the lead. I can confirm that there is a life size Max

in one of the picture, the guy who is this designer is standing next to max who is like bigger than him. I want to hug him so bad. And he’s like a massive puppet. It looks like probably with like a character inside. You know, like a, like, not a real dog but like, but like

Chris 26:30
I think I think that the old one had a max but I can’t really live sighs my real real real Max not a cartoon.

Kelli 26:36
This is a new Max as far as just as wide as it can be. Don’t even try to bring me down.

Chris 26:40
I’m not bringing you down. I’m just excited that if he wasn’t the old one did he’s also in the new one. Yeah, I love that about

Kelli 26:46
this max. His head is massive. His nose is like the size of the designers. Yeah. And his little tongue is is hanging out. Because you know how Max does he’s always like panting right? Because Eric didn’t give him enough water. Eric does not take care of Max. Right I’m just saying like Eric is not a good dog parents.

Chris 27:06
I can tell you that you got some serious side eye going on from from our dogs and I’m just

Kelli 27:11
saying I like Eric does not put next first and I’m

Chris 27:16
so glad that Max is getting some landmark. That’s what I’m

Kelli 27:19
saying. That’s what I’m saying. I used to be a great I still I

Chris 27:23
cannot wait. I used to love the show. I loved how they did with the lasers and they made you feel like the water was rising up above you like you were going there and then it’s gonna be great. And then I mean there was you know, I was teenage Chris really?

Kelli 27:34
Oh, you thought area was hot. Coconut bra I’m on I don’t make coconut bras that

Chris 27:41
go get that Roz. Coconuts not even close. We just laughing it

Kelli 27:55
okay, what do you got for us World Showcase.

Chris 27:58
So, last Sunday, we missed the opportunity to do this on the day but we will not miss fully the chance to celebrate Donald Duck. Donald Duck Donald Duck Donald Duck turned 90 years old he is he is one year younger than Willie Nelson. He looks amazing. He looks so good. Looks amazing. Looks so good.

Kelli 28:28
How old is Desi? Because I feel like she didn’t come along until after that. We’ll celebrate her to Donald could be Rocking the Cradle there a little bit because Daisy really is in her prime. I feel like she’s dreamlike Valley Daisy is way too good for Donald. I’ll just say oh, don’t

Chris 28:47
be mean to Donald. No, I’m being seriously the only duck with a huge speech impediment and the whole

Kelli 28:51
Donald is all pitch and tamp temper tantrums all over the place. Wild Daisy has opened up her own boutique where you can go in and design shops or she can teach you to dance. I mean that’s in her ride. Yes. Okay, but in dreamlike Valley Oh, dreamlike Valley and my valley. Daisy is she’s head and shoulders above. Oh my gosh, Daisy Duck is only 20

Chris 29:17
Are you kidding me?

Kelli 29:18
I’m not kidding you. That

Chris 29:20
can’t be right. She she was before the she was before the 2000s No, Daisy Duck was alive and well. In the 80s for sure. Okay, I got it. We got to our keeps.

Kelli 29:32
This is not Oh, no, this is like her age. You know in Okay, animated. It says 19/41 appeared in 1940. So about about winning years younger than dawn. Oh, no, no, no. 1940 Uh huh. That makes her that six years, six years.

Chris 29:52
That’s all. He was born in 1934.

Kelli 29:54
I mean, I guess once you get into the right once your 80s and 90s. What is Six years. Okay. All right. So

Chris 30:01
look, it’s interesting question because there is some discrepancy around Donald’s birthday. Oh, Donald, June 9, and I don’t have oh, no, I’m sorry. 1943. So no, she’s only three years difference. There’s difference, but then he’s younger than her. Now,

Kelli 30:20
that’s not possible. That’s not right.

Chris 30:22
Maybe I’ve got the maybe I’ve got the June 9 1943. He made his debut as a minor character in the wise little him. Okay, okay. But some of his shorts, or maybe I’m maybe I’m maybe 3434? Yes,

Kelli 30:41
I just. Dyslexia

Chris 30:43
got the best of me. Gotcha. So, June 9 1934. He made his debut in the wise little hen. I’m okay. But some of his shorts and movies offer an alternative date in the Three Caballeros. He is said to have been born on Friday the 13th. You know, paying some attention there to all the bad luck Donald seems to run into No, I know. It’s not his fault. It’s tough. And in the short film, Donald’s Happy Birthday, they claimed his big day is March the 13th. Goodness, but we’re going to His birthday is June 9 1934. When he made his debut in the wise little hand. All right, minor character but but pretty quickly. The folks at Walt Disney was like this character is a perfect foil to Mickey Mouse. Perfect ultimate, you know, because such a great tail. And he’s got a great little fluffy tail. I think that’s probably what they discussed in the boardroom. Absolutely. Okay. At his tail. He was in the military. I knew I knew that about Donald not just because he wears sailor gear. But he was actually commissioned by the military. Oh, my goodness for work. Yes. On May 1 1942. Donald Duck made his first appearance in the military. In the film, Donald gets drafted. He was

Kelli 32:04
eight. Okay, that’s inappropriate. That is inappropriate. Don’t draft an eight year old Doug’s. It’s hard

Chris 32:13
times. He didn’t have to go to he didn’t. He didn’t in real life. He didn’t have to actually go sir. I mean, maybe in the cartoon he did. Okay. This was the US government actually asked Disney to use Donald Duck in short films that tried to motivate people to pay their taxes to support the war effort during World War Two.

Kelli 32:30
Oh my goodness, Donald is not for taxes. I’m telling you right now. He

Chris 32:34
was doing propaganda dude lives on a

Kelli 32:35
boat in the ocean outside my valley. Like, he is not for taxes. He’s

Chris 32:42
trying to be he’s trying to be off the grid.

Kelli 32:44
He is He is the most off the grid character I’ve got. Ken that

Chris 32:49
shit in that same short film. If you’re paying close attention, you can learn what his middle name is. What is it? Oh, you

Kelli 32:58
don’t know? No. It’s got to be something like Octavius or whatever. I don’t know what either. How just oh my goodness. You look it up. Come on. Fauntleroy. That’s not good. Donald Fauntleroy Duck Duck. I think maybe they could have worked a little bit harder.

Chris 33:14
I think. Duck.

Kelli 33:17
I mean, I guess you got Mickey Mouse. Donald Duck. Yes. You don’t have like Pluto donor in

Chris 33:23
the other in the other world Warner Brothers or whatever you got bugs was Bunny. Bunny, Daffy Duck. By the way, Donald is three years older than Daffy. Just Oh, wow.

Kelli 33:31
Okay, no, it’s not Pluto dog. It’s not naughty dog.

Chris 33:36
You’re right. Well, we also don’t understand why goofy can talk and Pluto is actually acts like a dog. So that’s not asked me questions. They’re a little miss Umbrella Academy. If you know, you know, all right. The creation of Donald might have been inspired by a famous Voice Actor at the time. So I’m pulling this right out of the Time article. By the way. I pulled all these out of an article in Time Magazine this past week. So Clarence Nash had a talent. This is directly from the article, Clarence Nash had a talent for animal imitations. Film Historian JB Kaufman told NPR the voice actor had already been doing some freelance work for Disney before he took on the iconic and often unintelligible role of Donald Duck. According to Kaufman, Kaufman said that Nash’s Nash is partly to thank for the creation of Donald Duck, the voice actor had a quote, parlor trick of putting on this baby goats voice to do a story of Mary Had a Little Lamb. But when Disney when Walt Disney heard it, he actually imagined it

Kelli 34:42
more like a duck. So we’re probably not saying like a goat at all anymore

Chris 34:45
these days. But I mentioned if you put it on a goat cartoon, maybe it would it’s a quacky it’s a quirky voice that’s what we do. That’s certainly what we think about now.

Kelli 34:54
That’s not how it goat sounds a goat sounds more like ba Yeah,

Chris 34:57
just like that. You might you should be a voice actor for were animals guys. That was what happened to the goat suddenly arriving here. Nash also voiced Donald Duck’s nephews, Uncle Scrooge, and sometimes even Mickey Mouse,

Kelli 35:12
according to thing because Scrooge and Huey, Dewey and Louie they all speak perfectly

Chris 35:17
for every other ducks. Every other duck in his world speaks like waiting. I don’t think it’s a huge leap to say he did Donald Duck and Scrooge,

Kelli 35:27
Scrooge also has like an accent like a like a British accent or

Chris 35:31
a little bit of a while Nash retired from night from Disney in 1971, he performed his duck voice for children who were in hospitals. Oh, he voiced Donald Duck one last time for Mickey’s Christmas carol in 1983. And before before he died of leukemia in 1985. Since 1985, Tony and Sal Mo has been the main voice behind Donald Duck and he was trained by NASA himself. Oh,

Kelli 35:58
wow. Which is pretty training training. situation. This

Chris 36:03
next thing is gonna take a take a really dark turn. But Donald Duck has a twin sister. Whose dad? No,

Kelli 36:12
okay, you just said a dark turn a sheet Della?

Chris 36:14
Della is his sister. Okay. Now, obviously we knew he had nephews so. Oh, that does

Kelli 36:21
Holly knows Holly our friend our friend Holly who has a daughter named Ella. I don’t know but after Donald probably

Chris 36:27
not, but she’s it’s not gonna matter to her now. She’s just gonna be thrilled for haven’t been mentioned on the show.

Kelli 36:33
take a dark turn. No, not yet.

Chris 36:35
You’ll see when we get there. Gosh, Roy. We know. We know he had three nephews, which means he clearly had to have a sister but it’s actually his twin sister. She apparently plays I have not seen the any of the rebooted DuckTales that launched in 19. Sorry, 2017. Okay. No, I was I was all bought in on the original. I just haven’t I just haven’t watched it. But I might who exactly I might. I might though. She is apparently plays a recurring role in the reboot. Part of della ducks storyline in the show is about her crash landing on the moon which causes her to lose a leg. Oh, dear God, I know that seems very violent for DuckTales Delos and

Kelli 37:18
amputees what? Because she crashed landed on the moon. Yeah. How did she get back? Well, I

Chris 37:26
don’t know. I haven’t seen the show. I just went into whole I went to great pains to say I had not seen the show. She had it all written out there. TV Guide now for those of you who don’t know TV Guide was an actual magazine that came to people’s houses. And that’s how you knew what was on TV. I know crazy. It’s insane. It was printed. It was on paper. TV Guide rated him as one of the greatest cartoon characters of all time. Jobs. Wow. Yes. Donald Duck rated number 43 on the 2002 lists and shared it with shared the list with lovable characters like Bugs Bunny, Homer Simpson, the Grinch and SpongeBob SquarePants. Okay. He’s on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. August 9 2004. He received his star at 6840 Hollywood Boulevard. For him. He won an Oscar. Technically, the short film he was in in 1943. won the Oscar for best cartoon short. It’s called a dear furious face. And it was an anti Nazi political satire short film commissioned by military. Gosh, Donald

Kelli 38:29
has really been into the political realm a lot. I didn’t know he was so political. He

Chris 38:33
is he’s very political. He hates the he hates the fascists. But

Kelli 38:38
him one of the things he was pro war, and then we

Chris 38:42
were in we were he was anti there if you’re right, but it was for us defeating their fear. That’s what he was about. Because he wasn’t anti war. He wanted to pay taxes so that we can support the war effort, right. The last thing here and you’re gonna use you’re out of time, you’re gonna love this. He is, of course, the inspiration for a university mascot.

Kelli 39:06
Oh, the Oregon Ducks right? Oh my goodness. I love

Chris 39:09
it. Maybe the best mascot after khaki from the University of South Carolina. Nothing beats kaka but no nothing beats Kochi University of Oregon’s official mascot is known as the Oregon duck. In an informal deal, Disney allowed the university to use the beloved cartoon characters likeness for its mascot for free, so long as quote, it was used in a reputable manner. According to the university, that’s all according to the university’s website. When Walt Disney died in 1966, his estate and the university realized that there was no formal contract over the mascot. So the two parties, quote, this is from the University’s website, work to create a written agreement outline the term of Donald’s continued use as Oregon’s official duck representative.

Kelli 39:55
So wait a second is the Oregon duck named Donald and

Chris 39:59
now I don’t No I don’t know if somebody should tell us what the Oregon Ducks name is yeah, I’d like to know the Oregon Ducks name it’s probably something we could go in any case any case as long as he’s us in a reputable manner now I don’t know if they’ve seen the video of the duck just going straight ham on the Houston Cougar that one time he just whipped the Houston Cougars but from one side of that same to the other and I think it was real

Kelli 40:23
does he have hands or just wings?

Chris 40:25
I think it’s a combo I think he I think he stands out like this it looks like wings but then he balls them up and he he went he used them on that who’s Houston Cougar Okay, and but I mean the Cougar clearly deserved it and you just don’t mess with it. No No Don’t mess with the Oregon duck No, no,

Kelli 40:41
no, no no. Absolutely not.

Chris 40:43
Yeah. So there you go. Happy 90th Birthday Donald BBQ have been so integral in everything from us kicking the Nazis butts in World War Two to an iconic University mascot and everything in between. Good on you, my friend. Absolutely. That’s this week’s show folks. We hope you’ve enjoyed it. If you did you know what to do now run out to wherever you get your podcasts from. Leave us a five star rating there and if your service allows for it, leave us a review too because that’s going to bring other people to the show.

Kelli 41:17
Yes. And if you’re looking for more things Disney visit SCF S for Super C for Cali F for fresh lipstick a for awesome D for Disney P for podcast. That’s also where you should go if you would like to text us or leave a voicemail and

Chris 41:30
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Episode 10