Join us as we take a virtual tour around EPCOT to visit the booths at the 2021 Food and Wine Festival. If you like food and you like to daydream, you’re welcome!
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Chris 0:20
Welcome aboard Disney fam. Welcome aboard and welcome to this bonus episode of the podcast. My name is Chris.
Kelli 0:30
And I’m Kelli.
Chris 0:31
And we are super excited because this is our traditional tour of whatever festival is going on at Epcot.
Kelli 0:39
I love these so much these virtual tour bonus casts.
Chris 0:42
I know so. So this one is our favorite of the year, which is the Disney or Epcot Food and Wine Festival? Yes, this year sponsored by corkcicle.
Chris 0:52
Yes, corkcicle.
Chris 0:53
Who can sponsor us too if they’d like. Right? corkcicle corkcicle corkcicle. So here’s how we do what we do here. If you’ve never heard this before, we do a virtual tour of the festival where we go through the food booths in order like we might walk around the park. Yes. Now for us. It is always the big debate. Do I go Mexico or Canada first. But for us, we like to enter through the international gateway between England and France. Right? And then we head towards England and Canada so that we end up in France. I think when we get to France, you all know why Yes,
Kelli 1:31
I know. But you know, I’m starting to question that. That whole theory honey, because the French always bring it so much and should we really be stuffed when we get there? Or should we start in France?
Chris 1:42
It’s a strong strong argument.
Kelli 1:44
It is a strong argument but we’re gonna stick with this current plan and just assume that our stomachs can handle this level.
Chris 1:51
It’s a fair it’s a fair point.
Kelli 1:53
But maybe we should consider starting in France next time.
Chris 1:56
I guarantee you my my imaginary stomach can absolutely handle this.
Kelli 1:59
My imaginary stomach loves France.
Chris 2:01
It’s about to go down in fact. Okay, so we have just left the boardwalk we’re walking into the international gateway.
Kelli 2:12
The peaceful international gateway, where sometimes you run into Mickey or some other amazing character back there. Mary Poppins know why you see some of that kind of action going on. It’s shaded is a lovely entry. It’s not a busy…
Chris 2:27
And you met that Mickey that really thought this girl needs a hug. Like the best hug ever.
Kelli 2:31
I hugged him like it was my job. And I know he must have thought boy, what has this 40 year old woman been through?
Chris 2:40
This girl’s really been through some stuff.
Kelli 2:43
But he didn’t shy away. I love that about Mickey. Right? He hugged me just like I was five years old.
Chris 2:47
Like Olaf would. Thank you, Mickey.
Kelli 2:51
My favorite entrance is the international gateway. I’m dreaming my way through it right now. Honey, what’s our first stop?
Chris 2:56
So our first stop is one of your favorites. England never really brings it for the food and wine. They’re gonna bring in Ireland but this year in the October 1 phase two section, right. But the first thought we’ve got is something you tell people never to sleep on. Is the Joffrey’s. Love Joffrey’s.
Kelli 3:17
Y’all know I love Joffrey’s. Well, each Joffrey booth in Epcot has a different specialty beverage. Don’t sleep on the Joffrey specialty beverages. So this one over here is near Canada. It is the tropical tea breeze. This is an iced tea and frozen lemon with a splash of coconut syrup. Hello, non alcoholic. This is just refreshing. This is early morning. This is an early morning refreshing like just prepping your stomach for the day ahead. Love it. But don’t sleep on these Joffrey specialty beverages. You’ll regret it.
Chris 3:52
Okay, so first Canada, our first country here is Canada. Now quick note we’re going to talk about we’re going to we’re going to read all the foods. And then if there’s something that we think we’re going to eat at this booth, we’ll let you know. And just know that we’re not going to go through all the beverages in detail, but if there’s a very interesting looking beverage that we know that we will try, we’ll read that one off too, right. So first stop here at the cart in Canada. Canada really hasn’t changed anything much but over the years, but they’ve got a Canadian cheddar and bacon soup served with a pretzel roll. They’ve also got the Le Cellier, which is the Steakhouse in Canada, wild mushroom beef filet mignon with truffle butter sauce. These are classics in Canada, they always had these and I’ve had the mushroom beef fillet until I can taste it right now. But I am actually going to go for the cheddar and bacon cheese soup.
Kelli 3:53
Well, like always, I’m going to skip Canada Okay, so but next up is Apple seed orchard. Hmm. Now Apple seed orchard it says is in the Canada theater area. Okay, and so they’ve got two foods now. Appleseed orchard in the past has been over in the England in the world…
Chris 5:13
Kelli 5:15
area, but this time they’re in the Canada theater. And so they have the apple crumb tart. And Apple chips. Yeah. Are you getting get anything there?
Chris 5:25
I almost got the apple crumble tart because I really like that kind of a thing. Yeah, but um, I am going to get a drink there.
Kelli 5:32
I’m gonna get a drink as well. What are you getting?
Chris 5:34
I’m gonna go with the Apple Blossom sky.
Kelli 5:36
Oh, okay,
Chris 5:37
I just fell into Apple first of all Fanta Apple into Apple, ginger beer, floodwall Apple brandy, maple syrup and mini marshmallows.
Kelli 5:47
I think that’s going to be a fantastic thing. I’m gonna get the frozen apple pie, which is a non alcoholic drink. And I’m gonna get the corkcicle Classic tumbler and you know, you know, I love an event cup. Right? I love an event cup. And so these that are labeled, there’s two different corkcicle ones. I think we need a full set of both. So at each booth that offers an event cup, I want to get it so a full set for those of you that don’t know is four, four. Okay, so I’m going to need four of the corkcicle Classic tumbler so one down, one down. That’s my event cup. For this one.
Chris 6:25
Okay. The next booth on the tour. We’re leaving Canada now we is a booth from Australia, which I think is really interesting.
Kelli 6:33
Yeah. Is that new?
Chris 6:34
I don’t know that it’s new, but I don’t think we’ve ever seen when it’s never been open when we were there. So here they are offering a grilled sweet and spicy bush berry shrimp with pineapple pepper onion and snap peas. Delicious. Roasted lamb chop with sweet potato puree bush berry pea salad. I don’t know bush berry is what bush Berry and pistachio pomegranate gremolata. They also are serving a deconstructed Pavlova with pastry cream, citrus maseraded berries and lemon mering. I’m going with that.
Kelli 7:11
I’m going with that too. I need that Pavlova. I saw the picture of it. I do love a deconstructed thing.
Chris 7:17
You do.
Kelli 7:18
But I saw the picture and I was like No, I need that. It’s just some some berries. And laughs seems like I’m still drinking that Joffrey’s ice tea. So I’m just going for a really light start to the day.
Chris 7:33
Sure. I’ve had some bacon cheese soup. At this point, super, super light.
Kelli 7:39
It’s just soup.
Chris 7:40
That’s true. All right. Well, we got next
Kelli 7:44
refreshment port hosted by Boursin cheese. I say that right? I think so. Boursin cheese. The refreshment port and almost always has a poutine and so no different here we’ve got a braised beef poutine with French fries Boursin garlic and fine herbs cheese sauce, cheese curds and gherkin relish. This is new. And then they also have the maple Boursin cheese cake with whipped Boursin Maple bourbon cheese, candied pecans. Yeah. I’m not getting anything here.
Chris 8:13
I am getting the cheesecake.
Kelli 8:16
Okay, you know you should.
Chris 8:17
Absolutely. I love cheesecake. It’s one of my favorite things in the world. Yes. And I love Maple things. Yes, I love cheese. I love whipped things. I love candy pecans.
Kelli 8:29
Yes, I mean it’s honey. It’s all good. It’s got your name all over it.
Chris 8:32
I’m really starting heavy with cheese. Good to be backedup by the end of the day. Liquid cheese cheese cake.
Kelli 8:41
Let’s see what your next step is. Maybe the bathroom.
Chris 8:45
I will say this though. Buyer beware on the poutine at the refreshment port. It is it always sounds great. But the french fries aren’t, they leave a lot to be desired. Okay, shimmery. I keep wanting to say simmering. shimmering sips hosted by corkcicle Yes. shimmering strawberry soft serve in a waffle cone. Delightful and banana bread with mixed berry compote. Right.
Kelli 9:23
I had that banana bread last year it was great. But this year I’m actually gonna go with their beverages so they have three different mimosas they have a tropical Mimosa, a key lime Mimosa and I blood orange Mimosa. I’m gonna go ahead and get the Mimosa flght and the corkcicle stemless flute to get a full set of those too.
Chris 9:45
Okay now I you know, I missed out on the Mimosa flight I should have I should have marked that I didn’t pay attention to it.
Kelli 9:53
I was reading those. I was like, how am I gonna pick those are great like most of flight. That’s it. That’s my answer done. That’s true, but still I think I’m keeping it light, right? I mean, so far I’m having drinks and fruit.
Chris 10:05
You might need to eat something.
Kelli 10:07
Start to the morning is where we’re going here. You’re having all the cheese. I’m having all the fruit. Sure.
Chris 10:12
Okay. Noodle exchange. Next up is the noodle exchange. We’ve got a new booth.
Kelli 10:19
That is a new booth.
Chris 10:20
Yeah, right behind the Starbucks area. So we’re so we’re like,
Kelli 10:23
Where Hawaii is?
Chris 10:24
Right. It’s exactly right. And so we’re like cutting up behind Starbucks. Now we’re headed towards journey into imagination. And okay,
Kelli 10:32
So this you’ve got the traditional spicy Vietnamese beef pho with shaved beef and gnocchi mushrooms and Thai basil. Then you’ve got the char see you pork udon with inochi mushrooms, bok choy and a soy pickled egg. Did you give me this booth just because you knew I would struggle to pronounce?
Chris 10:52
We’re just going in order here.
Kelli 10:53
the shrimp and coconut curry rice noodles with pataky mushrooms and Thai basil, and the tofu pho with Inaki mushrooms and Thai basil. Gosh, now I’m exhausted. tired. I’m not getting I’m not getting all that we’re not getting. We’re not getting anything.
Chris 11:12
I thought about getting the traditional spicy Vietnamese beef. But I don’t know that I can handle anything spicy at this point in the day.
Kelli 11:20
They don’t have anything cheese here, honey, no keep going.
Chris 11:25
Okay, so Earth eats which used to be over this used to be over in front like right before you get to like Mexico that area. They’ve moved it to be sort of out there in front of where the land is between there and journey into imagination. Yeah, go ahead, jump off grab your cucumber. But this is where they have the impossible slider and with the wasabi cream in the spicy slaw and sesame seed bun. They’ve had this there a few times. I’m getting that.
Kelli 11:54
I’m getting it. I have to have it.
Chris 11:55
The other thing is the impossible three bean chili which you know what? It might be delightful. I do not recommend getting the chili in the middle of July.
Kelli 12:07
I’m not gonna I’m not really a huge chili fan but I cannot say no to that burger slider it with wasabi cream. It is so so good.
Chris 12:15
I’ll be honest, I’m tempted to get anything that is impossible or beyond because I eat it and I cannot believe I’m not eating beef.
Kelli 12:23
Which is surprising because you love a good burger. Such a beefy but I’m also gonna get a beverage here. So I’m going to get the spiced Apple Twinings of London chai tea you’ve loved I’m not going to get the one with whiskey. Oh, come on. Go non alcoholic whiskey.
Chris 12:38
Yeah. It will be delicious.
Kelli 12:41
I’m still sticking with the fruit. I’m still super light here. I’ve got an impossible burger and another fruit beverage. I am just, I am cruising.
Chris 12:49
Practically walking on air.
Kelli 12:51
I’m practically walking on air and totally saving myself for some of these next booths. Well, I’m going to make a politerate of myself at the donut booth.
Chris 13:02
Before we get to the donut box, why don’t you tell us about the Joffrey’s cart here? Over in front of mission space?
Kelli 13:08
Yes. So the Joffrey’s cart near mission space has a cocoa cold brew, Kona mocha, topped with whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate. Again, not alcoholic, but Joffries can really bring a specialty beverage.
Chris 13:23
They can. That sounds good. They bring a special I’m not a coffee person. But that sounds really good guys. Does Absolutely. So as you heard we’ve now crossed over from the from the side where the land is to this our mission spaces and there’s some there’s like four booths. Eventually when phase two opens up of the festival. There’ll be more foods over there on that side of the bar, which is awesome. But for now there are two and one is called the donut box. Yes.
Kelli 13:48
So they have the candy jar donut made with m&ms Snickers and Twix y’all. This donut is, I don’t even know. Just get it. The next one is the siracha glazed donut. Then you’ve got the chefs donut of the day. Then you can get a donut box pack four of the daily doughnuts, then. Oh my goodness. As if there’s not enough we’re gonna get the crispy chicken on a siracha glazed donut.
Chris 14:23
I’ll have it. In my mind right now I’m thinking this is art Smith’s chicken with Art Smith hot sauce with art Smith’s donut and all mushed into one thing
Kelli 14:37
That’s not gonna meet your expectations. I think you’re too high. Now I’ve seen this and I think you’re gonna love it but I do not think you should take a by expecting Art Smith. I’m gonna have that candy jar donut y’all, I mean m&ms, stickers and twixs and all I’ve had so far is fruit and dairy. And I’m gonna probably get that donut of the day and then I’m going to go ahead and get the black and white coffee cocktail. I don’t even know what that is, but I’m for it.
Chris 15:01
Listen, this is a judgment free zone.
Kelli 15:04
Yeah. And this is where we can pick up our second corkcicle Classic tumbler. All right, so halfway to a set halfway through our set. Okay.
Chris 15:12
The next thing is called flavors from fire that doesn’t say this is new, but I’d swear this. Never heard of it. Yeah. This is they have the corned beef corner route, smoked corned beef with crispy potatoes, cheese curds, pickled onions and beer cheese fondue. And of all the cheese by the way that we’re talking about on all these things. That comes from a place called Emile’s Fromage montage, which I just love, I love Emile. So by the way, I’m getting that at this place. Not just because it comes with beer cheese fondue. They also have a chimichurri I chimichurri up offense.
Kelli 15:54
Chimichurri offense. Not not a hurry up offense.
Chris 16:00
Hurry up oh. chimichurri up offense.
Kelli 16:02
I can’t believe I have to make that connection.
Chris 16:04
I don’t know. I had no idea what that was about. But I but I’m grateful for you.
Kelli 16:14
I had to make that connection.
Chris 16:16
Chimichurri steak on a smoked corn cake got with pickled vegetable slaw and cilantro ale. I’ll be honest, if it weren’t for this. You’re not getting that deal on top of that, so they only run from that like a soapy. The smores loopy pylon. I got that one. Right.
Kelli 16:37
I will get the pylon.
Chris 16:39
Smoked smokes chocolate. graham crackers, marshmallow chocolate ganache. Yeah, candied bacon.
Kelli 16:47
I’m happy without the candy bacon.
Chris 16:49
But you gotta have it. It’s it’s really something.
Kelli 16:58
Yeah, I know. I just left the donut booth and had five donuts.
Chris 17:01
no judgment. no judgment.
Kelli 17:02
I’m not judging myself either. Because the first three booths I just had fruit. not judging myself here. I’m getting that smores whoopie pie. I’m gonna love every freakin bite.
Chris 17:12
What’s the next one?
Kelli 17:13
Okay, so the next one is the brew wing at the Epcot experience. So brew dash wing. So it’s a bunch of wings. We got garlic parmesan wings, barbecue wings, teriyaki sesame wings, traditional buffalo wings, mango habanero wings, and then you’ve got your cheese flatbread or your pepperoni flatbread.
Chris 17:34
Yep. This is a bar.
Kelli 17:36
It’s a bar place. I’m not getting anything here.
Chris 17:38
Yeah, I’m not either. I can get pretty much all of these wings somewhere here where we live. So yeah, and
Kelli 17:42
I’m sure they’re lovely.
Chris 17:43
I’m sure they’re lovely. Oh, yeah, all of us are with ranch and celery in them as much of beers and ciders. I’ll be honest ciders are coming strong and I’m here for it. Okay. All right. The next Joffrey’s at Disney traders.
Kelli 17:56
Yes, the next Joffrey’s at Disney traders has the Double Trouble Chai. This is a tantalizing iced Chai with a single shot of espresso topped with whipped cream and cinnamon again, non alcoholic. All of these Joffrey specialty beverages are non alcoholic and I’m totally here for them.
Chris 18:16
I love Joffrey’s but you’ll be jacked up though on the caffeine though.
Kelli 18:21
You know what. I am. Good for me. What a great day. Sorry for you. If y’all hear me now this is at nighttime. We recording this with very little caffeine today. And that might be a lie. But anyway, go ahead.
Chris 18:38
The next is our Hawaii booth that used to be behind Starbucks. It has moved over into the sort of the plaza area on our way to Mexico. Kalua Pork slider and sweet and sour dough pineapple chutney and spicy mayonaise that’s a regular there, teriyaki glaze spam, a Hawaiian delicacy that spam hash with potatoes, peppers, onions and spicy mayo. Tuna poke a with eel sauce, spicy mayo and crispy shrimp chips passionfruit cheesecake with toasted macadamia nuts that cheese cake come from meals for watch montage again. I’m gonna go with what am I gonna go with the pork sliders? Nope. I had that last time it was delicious. I’m gonna go with the teriyaki glaze spam hat with the potatoes, peppers, onions and spicy mayo. I think that I need to give spam another shot.
Kelli 19:30
Okay, fine. I’m gonna go back to my fruit theme and get the Aulani sunrise, which is vodka dole pineapple juice and grenadine.
Chris 19:39
You’re gonna be hammered. I love it. I love it. We’ve been to a lot of…
Kelli 19:47
I’m having the aulani sunrise. What other drinks have I had? Honestly, most of them have been non alcoholic honey and fruit based coffee and coffee.
Chris 19:58
So we’ve we’ve had the aulani Sunrise, and I think any opportunity to get it is a good opportunity, right? I actually did mark that I’m gonna have a bottle of the Hanalei Island IPA okay actually had that last weekend here for July the fourth and it was delicious.
Kelli 20:14
Good for you so, so our next booth is the swanky saucy swine I get all these things that are hard to pronounce How are you definitely did this swanky and saucy and office wine. So we’ve got crispy barbecue pork rinds with committed cheese, roasted pork cheddar with pork fat roasted rosemary, potatoes, that livid parsley sauce and I’m sorry y’all I can’t say this. Next we have soy glazed sticky ribs with green onions and peanuts and and then we have crispy pig ear salad with fire roasted tomato sauce, pickled red onions, queso fresco roasted corn salsa and avocado cream.
Chris 21:08
You can’t even say meat words.
Kelli 21:11
I can’t but I’m gonna run past this booth so quickly. Like I cannot watch them serve a crispy pig ear.
Chris 21:19
Kelli 21:20
That would make me so sad. I’m assuming that it’s like a pork rind type thing. It’s not an actual ear that…
Chris 21:30
I am actually going to try the crispy barbecue pork rinds
Kelli 21:33
I thought you were about to say the crispy pig ear after I’ve made that big of a deal about it.
Chris 21:40
But because I think that I never thought about pork rinds and pimento cheese before.
Kelli 21:45
I know but you really are heavy on the cheese.
Chris 21:50
Another one. Thank you for two meals from Emile’s Frommage montage.
Kelli 21:57
All right, next up.
Chris 21:58
We’re on the final loop Mexico. A classic on the tour here. Chilliquiles con chorizo crispy corn tortillas tossed in salsa verde and monterey jack cheese tossed with crema Mexicana, pickled onions and ground chorizo.
Kelli 22:17
I’m just glad you’re getting hard words.
Chris 22:20
Taco de ribeye shaved ribeye red onions and pavano peppers on a corn tortilla with Ranchero salsa. cotija cheese and chives. And then oh man,
Kelli 22:31
Do it. Do it.
Chris 22:34
Abuelita de chocolate.
Kelli 22:36
Chocolate, man that’s French.
Chris 22:38
Whatever. I will eat that chocolate. Oh, they serve that in in. I believe to chocolate bread pudding. Oh yeah, certainly chocolate Creme Anglaise. I didn’t have this mark, but I’m about to Mark Yeah,
Kelli 22:51
no, I’m getting that. That translates roughly as grandma’s chocolate bread pudding. That’s absolutely true with a chocolate cream on gleiss. Well,
Chris 22:59
absolutely two chocolate is the thing you buy in the store.
Kelli 23:02
Oh interesting.
Chris 23:03
It’s a brand of chocolate that you can buy. And I was like, well, grandma chocolate. Yeah, that’s
Kelli 23:07
fantastic. Okay, yeah, I’m gonna get that. They’ve also got some good beverages. And so I’m going to have the white passion fruit sangria. Yeah. Which is white wine Shinola passion fruit liqueur, and a hit of illegal mezcal.
Chris 23:20
You don’t want that.
Kelli 23:21
Which they had illegal mezcal on the menu, you know at the last thing and I thought, should we really put on there that it’s illegal? Because that mean it is a very widely published menu? Sure.
Chris 23:32
That’s a brand. Okay. So China, China, China. pan fried chicken dumplings with housemade sweet and spicy sauce. zeren beef bao bun, grilled beef with cumin, crispy fried pepper shrimp with spicy Sichuan noodles.
Kelli 23:54
I’m not getting anything.
Chris 23:55
I’m gonna get the bao bun.
Kelli 23:56
Okay, you got that one last time.
Chris 23:58
I did. And it was delicious. I’m gonna eat it again. Okay, you got some stuff with boba I think in there. Okay, now maybe not.
Kelli 24:04
I’m skipping China.
Chris 24:05
Alright, skip China.
Kelli 24:06
Okay, next we’ve got the refreshment outpost, and they have a spicy gear theory. Well, I have no idea what that is was white beans, pigeon peas, Ben’s Original Quinoa and ancient grains Medley and Khartoum Bari slaw. This is plant based and so yay, but I’m not getting it.
Chris 24:30
Yeah, I’m not getting it either.
Kelli 24:32
I’m just not sold on that.
Chris 24:33
By the way. I think that Ben’s original is the new brand name for what used to be uncle Bens and they changed it to be less offensive. Yeah, I think so.
Kelli 24:41
Less racist. Yes, absolutely.
Chris 24:43
Okay, you’re not gonna get the… Do we have our four tumblers yet?
Kelli 24:46
No, but we can grab one here. Okay. Yeah.
Chris 24:51
All right, Germany. Germany has not changed their their running into the Italy category. At least Germany’s food is good. Italy’s food was not But they haven’t really changed. They’ve got the shanken noodle and shinken Newlin, which is pasta Groton. It’s basically like, like the spatzle Groton with ham onions and cheese. Surprise, I’m not kidding it then they’re roast brought worst and a pretzel roll doesn’t photograph well, but it is tasty. And they’ve got the apple strudel with vanilla sauce, which is really delicious. I’m just not getting it this time.
Kelli 25:29
Yeah, I’m not getting anything in Germany.
Chris 25:30
Yeah. Let me see. Do they have the… oooh now they do have a wild cherry beer? Yeah, they usually serve that good.
Kelli 25:39
Beer. The shaeffer Hoffer? Yeah, there’s normally grapefruit and they’ve got the wild cherry hefeweizenmens. I killed that.
Chris 25:52
Oh, lordy.
Kelli 25:53
Okay, so next is Italy. And I’m happy to report that Italy has changed their menu.
Chris 25:58
I mean, if we can have like some applause sound effects.
Kelli 26:01
That would be great. I mean, thank goodness, Italy. You needed it. Man. You guys needed a refresher. So they’ve got three things are these completely new menu Mezzalune Crocante. This is crispy halfmoon breaded mozzarella filled ravioli with pomodoro sauce. Yeah, that sounds good. It’s new. Then they’ve got a grilled chicken ravioli with Alfredo sauce romano cheese and present moelleux what that is and then they have the Bombolini is a cream filled Italian donut with raspberry sauce and powdered sugar. Now what I will say is these are like tiny little doughnuts that you get. So it’s very much unlike the the dessert that I dropped the mic on in our regular episode this week.
Chris 26:50
Yeah. So go listen to the regular episode because it talks about the top 10 ice cream places and and the place at Disney Springs man, they’re killing it.
Kelli 27:00
But I do like the Bombolini that they’re doing here in Italy. I’m going to try the mezzaluna Crocante and the Bombolini. And I’m going to order it and just like that and the people will hate me.
Chris 27:14
Well guess what? I’ll be right behind you ordering the ravioli and the bomboloni. I’m going to…
Kelli 27:19
We’ll have the booth! See Italy, if you bring it we’ll have the booth!
Chris 27:22
I mean, we literally have been complaining about Italy for two years now. And there we go and you change them in you and we’re having it all having the booth. Okay, next up, you know, maybe even get a drink there. All right, next up. America has really come strong in the last couple of years. A by getting rid of the liberty in place and putting in the new barbecue place with Sam Eagle. But even here, they’ve created a new Bistro in the rotunda for the festival called the rotunda Bistro. Aptly named chilled smoked shrimp salad, delicious. wild mushroom and truffle tart with green hair and cream fresh. All this is new and chilled a crab and avocado parfait with caviar. That all sounds amazing. I’m not gonna get any of it.
Kelli 28:12
I kind of say I think they look it sounds very French.
Chris 28:16
It’s I mean it’s obviously seafood heavy but it does sound French.
Kelli 28:20
I’m gonna get the wild mushroom and truffle tart with gruyer and cream… You call that cream fresh? I was gonna say Fraicse.
Chris 28:29
Kelli 28:30
That’s what I’m getting. I’m gonna get that because it looked really good. The picture looks amazing. So yeah, I’m hitting the rotunda Bistro. They also have the hops and barley booth outside and that’s where they’ve got their lobster roll, the hot beef sandwich with horseradish cream and pickled vegetables, and a freshly baked carrot cake with cream cheese icing. But I’m not going to get anything at Hops and barley.
Chris 28:53
I’m going to do the Hot beef sandwich with horseradish cream. You know how I feel about like beef and sandwiches and horseradish sauce? I love horseradish sauce. I feel about beef and sandwiches. Beef good, sandwiches good, horseradish sauce. It’s good. I’m gonna have all of that and I’m still up in the air on the carrot cake. Yeah, I mean only this because got the cream cheese.
Kelli 29:18
Okay, all right.
Chris 29:20
All right. So the next thing is I put this in here we don’t normally stop at this spot. This is always open. This is not necessarily just a wine festival thing. But they do have a special thing for they do have a special thing for the food want the funnel cake standard, the American adventure. They’ve got this mini candy bacon smores funnel cake with vanilla ice cream. I think that is going to be crazy delicious.
Kelli 29:48
The only thing mini about this is the size of the funnel cake. There are so many toppings on top of this thing that I had to look hard to make sure it was actually on a funnel cake. So I don’t know why they called it mini, I guess they’re saying It’s not the size of their standard funnel cake.
Chris 30:03
Yeah, I mean the size of their standard funnel cake is the size of a huge frying pan. Yeah.
Kelli 30:07
No, but it did sound like right up your alley, you love some candied bacon. So next is Japan and in Japan.
Chris 30:13
Wait, what? The last Joffrey’s cart.
Kelli 30:16
Oh, the last Geoffrey’s cart is in America. It’s in America. Yes, the American adventure. They have a cinnamon Chai, which is a refreshing iced Chai topped with whipped cream and cinnamon. I mean, again, refreshing. That’s what…
Chris 30:32
caffeine hit here. Were to get us through the end here.
Kelli 30:36
I mean, whatever,whatever. You want me to do Japan? Yep. Okay, so Japan, they have the teriyaki chicken bun, which is a steamed bun. I guess that’s different than a bao bond,
Chris 30:45
I guess.
Kelli 30:46
Filled with chicken vegetables and teriyaki sauce. tempura shrimp Sando, which is crunchy shrimp served with yuzu crab green onions and eel sauce on a bun. And then the spicy harco sushi, which is spicy tuna and salmon serve box style with red tempura crunch and volcano sauce. Yeah, I mean, y’all aren’t gonna be surprised. Now. I’m not getting any of this.
Chris 31:10
I’m gonna do the tempura shrimp Sando. Okay, yeah, I think that sounds really good. Sure. Shrimp, crunchy shrimp with crab and you saw your sauce. Eel sauce is good.
Kelli 31:21
I had that allergic reaction to the thing at Dead Dog Saloon. I think it was some kind of a fish sauce that I had an allergic reaction to but I’m pretty sure I don’t like eel sauce.
Chris 31:34
I think you’ve had it.
Kelli 31:35
I’m not avoiding now because of the ill sauce. I’m avoiding because of basically everything.
Chris 31:41
So the next booth is Greece. They have their spanakopita grilled cheese with I can’t believe. I’m getting this one again. I cannot believe how much cheese. I’m getting a lot of cheese, grilled cheese with pistachios and honey and then lamb moussaka. This is literally just like special cheese. They have grilled itself not on any bread or anything. I ordered it with honey and pistachios.
Kelli 32:06
I know I’m totally getting that I’m also get the spanakopita spanakopita
Chris 32:11
Or spanakopita I think it’s spanakopita but it can probably go either way.
Kelli 32:14
I’m gonna get it that’s essentially like it’s like layered filo dough with goat cheese and spinach.
Chris 32:20
Well that sounds delicious. Yeah,
Kelli 32:21
No, it’s delicious. I’m gonna have that and then the grilled cheese pistachios and honey. I mean, that’s really the only block of cheese I’ve had today. Oh, wait, no, I did the things in Italy. Oh, well. It’s okay. It’s the end of the day. I’m still refreshing beverages. Okay, so yes, so next is the tangerine cafe flavor of Medina. We’ve got fried falafel pita with tahini sauce, grilled kebabs with couscous, tomato, onion salad and garlic aoli lemon garlic chicken, Moroccan spiced lamb harissa marinated beef tenderloin tips, a stone baked Moroccan bread with hummus, the Luke and zuke dips, pistachio cake with cinnamon pastry cream and candied walnuts. I’m going to hit this booth fairly hard. Okay. Yeah, the fried falafel pita. Okay, this stone back Moroccan bread. And the pistachio cake. Beautiful.
Chris 33:24
Really gorgeous. Yeah, I’m going for the stone bake Moroccan bread also. Okay. Yeah, I can’t not go for that. I don’t know what the Luke and zuke dips are but I’m willing to give that a shot. Give them a shot. Do we have all of our corkcicle tumblers we do okay.
Kelli 33:38
I mean, if not, you know, they’ve got him at several booths. Maybe we pick up all four at the first booth just so we don’t forget.
Chris 33:44
It’s gonna they’ve got a fig cocktail with white cranberry juice. Oh, big vodka. I consider interesting. Yeah. Okay, bring it home, honey. All right, here we are. Boom. We’re up in France. Oh,
Kelli 33:55
Now, we love France.
Chris 33:56
Look, France doesn’t need a food wine booth. They’ve got so many great things, especially desserts in just as part of the place with crepes and ice creams and etc. But the booth brings strong to Beniet Otwage fromages warm beneath is filled with three cheeses, right? Yes. Who’s getting that? Yeah,
Kelli 34:17
And who else is getting that?
Chris 34:19
The croissant? A escargot? Oh escargo. This is escargo croissant with garlic and parsley. I have considered that the adventurous there. Now, the Coque au vin. This is chicken braised in burgundy wine with bacon and puffed potatoes. I’m getting that. The creme brulee.
Kelli 34:38
With grand Grand Marnier,
Chris 34:40
and honey. Yes. Vanilla creme brulee with grand marnier liquour. I’ll have it. You’ll have it. Okay. I’ve had so much creme brulee in my life. I just I’m over creme brulee a little bit.
Kelli 34:52
Okay, whatever. I’m also going to get three beverages. The strawberry rose Mimosa. quiches Oh, Remy sparkling wine, orange juice and moanin strawberry is that Rosa doesn’t have the accent mark. Yeah. Okay, the next one is a rosae petalite mythos de tradition la its residents
Chris 35:25
whatever that
Kelli 35:26
is rosy sparkling wine and then it just says
Chris 35:29
pink flamingo.
Kelli 35:30
Do you think I get a pink flamingo? I mean at this point in the day I’m gonna assume I do know people for the back of the booth I’m also gonna have a love passion Martini slushy. And this is vodka Grey Goose, les Citroen vodka, cranberry and all my screen got cut off passion fruit juice, passion fruit juice. Okay, so yeah, so I’m gonna get those three drinks which I think will be fine because I’m gonna have the warm begniet with three cheeses and the creme brulee and I’ve had mostly fruit today.
Chris 36:13
Oh my gosh that’s our tour. We love doing these if you can’t tell and look if you like whatever this was Yes. Go out to the place where you like to download podcasts from registers so that you get the or subscribe I guess is the word so that you get these podcasts downloaded automatically and give us a review leave us a rating it helps us so much.
Kelli 36:41
It really does. And if you’re looking for more things Disney please visit That’s s for Super, C for Cali, F for fragilistic, A for awesome, D for Disney, p for podcast. And please be sure to check out some of our videos out on YouTube. A lot of fun things out there.
Chris 36:57
Yeah, we’ll probably do this a shorter version of this on the in the video form.
Kelli 37:01
We will. But we’ve also done several reviews for Disney family of wines that I think might be fun for this group.
Chris 37:06
Yeah, so go check that out. Go check us out on all the social medias. We’re on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, at SCFADP and all of those places, the more the merrier in those conversations. And with that, we hope to see you real soon.
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