In this week’s show, Chris gives us a sneak peek into the updates on Space Mountain at Tokyo Disneyland, and Kelli introduces us to Talk Like Yoda Day and explains his specific syntax. Nerd alert!
For show notes and a transcript of this week’s episode, visit https://scfadp.com/season-7/disney-5-21-tokyo-disneyland-upgrades-and-talk-like-yoda-day/
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10 Best Yoda Quotes
- “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” — Yoda
- “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” — Yoda
- “Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.” – Yoda
- “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” – Yoda
- “Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.” – Yoda
- “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”
- “Just disconnect. Once in a day sometime, sit silently and from all connections disconnect yourself.”
- “If in anger you answer, then in shame you dwell.”
- “The greatest teacher, failure is.”
- “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Yoda’s most memorable quote, This is a line from the X-wing sequence on Dagobah, and are the last instructions the Jedi Master gives Luke before he attempts to raise his fighter from the swamp.
Show Notes:
Chris and Kelli discuss Disney’s recent controversies, including the abandonment of a $1 billion campus expansion in Florida and financial struggles. They also discuss Tokyo Disney’s future expansion plans and the redesign of Tomorrowland at Disney theme parks. Additionally, they delve into Yoda’s unique syntax and cultural impact in the Star Wars universe, with a focus on his wisdom and inspiration. Throughout the conversation, Chris and Kelli share their perspectives and insights on these topics, highlighting their passion for Disney and Star Wars.
Disney topics with humor and enthusiasm.
- Kelli and Chris discuss Disney topics, including Yoda ears and space mountaineers.
- Chris and Kelli discuss various locations and pronunciations, including Switzerland.
Disney’s decision to abandon Florida headquarters and lawsuits against DeSantis.
- DeSantis faces backlash for targeting Disney with new laws.
- Disney and DeSantis’ lawyers request dismissal of each other’s lawsuits.
- Disney cancels Florida headquarters project, citing financial straits.
- Kelli and Chris discuss Disney executives being sued over misleading investors about Disney+ performance.
- Disney+ data may drive future theme park investment, based on comments from an unnamed executive.
Disney’s LGBTQ+ support, new attractions, and park renovations.
- Kelli and Chris discuss Disney’s Pride collection and new firework show at Epcot.
- Buzz Lightyear returns to Magic Kingdom meet-and-greets with mask, and Heavy Machinery is back at Epcot for new firework show.
- Chris and Kelli discuss the Disney galactic starcruiser resort shutting down and the company’s year-round work with nonprofits.
- Tokyo Disneyland breaks ground on a $400 million renovation to Space Mountain and Tomorrowland.
Space Mountain revamp in Tokyo with new ride system and immersive aspects.
- Tokyo Disney invests $400M in Space Mountain and Tomorrowland.
- Chris and Kelli discuss the groundbreaking ceremony for the revamped Tomorrowland area in Tokyo, including the use of traditional wooden tools and the closure of Space Mountain in 2024.
- Chris speculates on Space Mountain’s potential upgrade, including a possible ride system upgrade and exterior changes.
New Tomorrowland design and optimism in Disney theme parks.
- Kelli and Chris discuss the new Tomorrowland design at Magic Kingdom, with Kelli expressing optimism about the new look and Chris sharing concerns about maintaining the original optimism.
- Chris believes the people behind the new design are the same ones who built Tokyo Disneyland, which is considered the best Disney park in the world, giving him hope for the new design’s ability to generate optimism.
- Chris and Kelli discuss Yoda syntax and its unique object-subject-verb pattern, citing examples from Star Wars.
- They celebrate the anniversary release of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back on “Talk Like Yoda Day”.
Yoda’s character in Star Wars, including fun facts and quotes.
- Kelli and Chris discuss Yoda’s role in Star Wars, including his training of Luke Skywalker and his importance in the Jedi Order.
- Kelli provides 5 fun facts and 10 of Yoda’s best quotes, including his famous “Do or do not, there is no try” line.
- Kelli and Chris discuss Yoda’s wisdom and quotes from the Star Wars franchise.
- Yoda’s quotes offer insights into fear, anger, and the dark side, and one quote is particularly relevant in today’s societal moment.
Yoda’s wisdom and quotes from Star Wars.
- Kelli and Chris discuss Yoda’s wisdom, including “the force is with me” and “do or do not, there is no try.”
- Kelli and Chris discuss Yoda’s syntax and its impact on the Star Wars series.
- They invite listeners to share their favorite Yoda moments in the series.
Talk like Yoda Day:
- General
- Disney General
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/disney-abandons-plans-to-build-theme-parks-division-headquarters-in-hostile-florida/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/orange-county-mayor-lays-blame-squarely-on-desantis-for-disneys-cancelation-of-florida-relocation/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/desantis-says-theres-zero-chance-he-backs-down-in-fight-with-disney/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/newly-appointed-oversight-district-administrator-glen-gilzean-now-a-named-defendant-in-disney-world-vs-desantis-lawsuit/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/desantis-legal-team-asks-judge-mark-e-walker-to-recuse-himself-disney-worlds-federal-lawsuit/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/ron-desantis-office-responds-to-disneys-plans-to-abandon-florida-headquarters/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/disney-parks-chairman-i-hope-were-able-to-continue-investing-in-walt-disney-world/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/disney-former-ceo-bob-chapek-named-in-lawsuit-accusing-executives-of-misleading-investors-about-disney-plus/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/disney-plus-data-intellectual-property-will-drive-future-theme-park-investments/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/disney-launches-2023-pride-collection/
- Disney General
- Magic Kingdom
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/imagineering-files-permit-for-tianas-bayou-adventure-prop-installation/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/fire-breathing-flame-thrower-effect-returns-to-maleficent-in-disney-worlds-festival-of-fantasy-parade/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/buzz-lightyear-meet-greet-returns-to-magic-kingdom-ends-covid-era-policy/
- Epcot
- Hollywood Studios
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/10-minute-preview-movie-props-for-the-little-mermaid-at-disneys-hollywood-studios/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/live-action-the-little-mermaid-meet-greet-begins-may-26th-at-disneys-hollywood-studios/
- https://blogmickey.com/2023/05/perfect-picnic-basket-popcorn-bucket-debuts-at-disneys-hollywood-studios/
- Resorts:
- Disneyland
- Shanghai Disneyland
- Tokyo Disneyland
- Hong Kong Disneyland
- Entertainment:
This week Tokyo Disneyland broke ground on a massive $400m renovation of Space Mountain and the surrounding area that will effectively update all of tomorrowland at this park.
The information here was provided by the fantastic folks at Disney Tourist Blog
A really interesting note about this move is that it follows directly on the heels of a $3b that just next Spring will bring Frozen, Tangled, and Peter Pan attractions to Tokyo Disney Sea (Fantasy Springs) has continued to move forward with no delays or budget cuts.
It also created an expanded Fantasyland, and high end, adjacent resort
According to the Oriental Land CO (the actual owners of the Disney parks and resorts in Tokyo) and Disney Tourist Blog, this new Tomorrowland plaza will express the connection between Earth and the universe, representing an image of a future where humans are in harmony with nature. Guests will be able to enjoy moments of rest and relaxation in this plaza where various icons and other design elements create a sense of hope for the future.
The groundbreaking wd on May 16th and enveloped in traditional Jinshinsai ceremony:
It pays respect to the land and gods, future prosperity, and to ward off evil spirits
Then the actual groundbreaking happens with the use of traditional wooden tools
Space Mountain in Tokyo is a duplication of the California version (which as you know we feel is the superior of the US versions). Although it does have some different aesthetics. This will close at some point in 2024.
The new version will continue to be an indoor coaster. But everything about the immersive aspects and special effects are going to see a significant upgrade.
So the rumor is that this is going to use a similar ride system that used in the new GOTG: Cosmic Rewind attraction at EPCOT. That’s not official, but there was supposedly a larger than normal delecgation from the Oriental Land Co. and Walt Disney Japan Attractions touring EPCOT during the launch of Cosmic Rewind.
Of course we wouldn’t expect it to be a replica of that ride, just the same technology.
No one knows if the actual Space Mountain structure will be demolished and rebuilt or if it will just received a refreshed expeterior. It really could go either way. The amount of refreshing the exterior will receive based on the concept art is significant. And if the rumors are true about the ride system, then the entire interior will need to be gutted and overhauled. If your keeping score, I just described a gutting of the exterior AND the interior – maybe it would be cheaper just to tear it down and rebuild.
It is likely going to expend out into what was once a parking lot as well, much like EPCOT had to do with Universe of Energy when they built Cosmic Rewind. You might not have even noticed the enormous building that houses most of that ride because it’s painted to blend in with the Florida sky most days.
Speaking of the concept art – it’s a truly beauful design. Swooping, curving architecture that harkens slightly to the Tron canopy – with more subtle lighting. Todays version is rigid, angular, with harsh lines. This will appear undulating, almost in motion.
The question posed, in not so many words, by Disney Tourist Blog is whether the new Tomorrowland design will maintain the same optimism that is invoked by the current entrance to Tomorrowland in Tokyo.
Their essay made me realize that so many of the changes that MKs Tomorrowland has been through in recent decades might have fallen short of invoking optimism.
Often, for me, it’s rather invoked nostalgia for how we used to think the future would look. Nostalgia fine. But that’s not optimism.
The beautiful twin spires that mark the TL entrance in Tokyo – to the writers at Disney Tourist Blog are reminiscent of the original spired at MK, and do just that – inspire optimism about the future – without simply looking futuristic. Having taken a look online, I get their point.
So, will the new tomorrowland, with the re-imagined Space Mountain as the land’s weenie, be able to maintain that feeling.
Now supposedly once inside their TL, you get some of the same issues we have in the US parks – inconsistent theming and a hidgepodge of attractions.
Star Wars – futuristic elements but in some ways it’s old a decrepit. It’s a space western with space samurai.
Monster’s Inc attraction
Just all kind of random
Maybe the remake will manage to tie it all together a bit more.
One thing I think – but many accounts Tokyo Disney Sea is the best single theme park in the Disney pantheon. Disney Tourist Blog believes Tokyo Disneyland is the second best.
Don’t forget this includes the The Fantasyland expansion that includes the The Enchanted Tale of B&B attraction that blows people’s minds right out of their heads.
It sounds like the new updates to Tomorrowland are in good hands.
Episode Transcript:
NOTE: This transcript was produced by AI and may have many inaccuracies. Please excuse any transcription issues.
Welcome aboard, Disney fam. Hello out there, Disney fam will welcome to the podcast. My name is Chris and I’m Kelly and Kelly is wearing Yoda ears again. Tonight’s like spot on my top. Oh, but this one’s on Topic. Topic.
Kelli 0:44
Yes. 100% What’s your topic? Yoda? Obviously
Chris 0:51
Awesome. Well, the ears as delicate as the ear hair is very delicate. Great. You know you just recently also where we still got the space mountaineers on the table and that is very mature topic. A very on
Kelli 1:05
topic for me. Crazy.
Chris 1:07
So you should put your ears away.
Kelli 1:12
Goodness. Hey, did anybody listen to us on?
Chris 1:15
Yeah, it’s a shocker. But they do. They did. We had 10,000 wonderful people in Waseca. Minnesota. I’m sure I’m not saying that. Right. But it’s about an hour and a half south of Minneapolis and they listen to us and we love them for it. Elwood City, Pennsylvania, just northwest of Pittsburgh. split right down the middle by the conic witnessing Creek.
Kelli 1:41
Did you practice that?
Chris 1:43
I don’t have any idea if that’s right or not. I’m just that is phonetically how it is spelled. Kind of coalescing Creek welcome. They’ve probably all pronounced Big Bad Wolf has big bad wolf, and had loved Primanti Brothers sandwiches, I’m sure. Overland Park Kansas, second most populous city in Kansas, but is part of the Kansas City Metro Area, which is of course in Missouri. It’s all very complicated, but we are thrilled that they’re listening to us in Overland Park. Absolutely. And core Switzerland. Core like C O R. That’s how it is pronounced but it’s spelled ch u r c h u r but I did look up how to pronounce that.
Kelli 2:24
Okay, well welcome Switzerland we are nothing if not the Switzerland of podcast huge
Chris 2:28
there were a few extra where we are the Switzerland of podcasts, for sure. And alpine city in eastern Switzerland and looks exactly how you would imagine an Alpine Swiss city to look
Kelli 2:42
oh, gosh, welcome Switzerland. Love it. That’s exciting. Exciting. Like you’re gonna have a really exciting new segment for a son.
Chris 2:52
It was a busy Thursday, Wednesday or Thursday was
Kelli 2:56
a busy week.
Chris 2:58
It really was. So let’s just go ahead and get all the global garbage out of the way. The Disney decided, You know what? That that $1 billion move and campus we were going to build in Florida to move those California Imagineers. Over to Florida. Yeah, they’re not gonna do that. Those 2000 jobs, that $1 billion worth of investment. We’ll just leave that over in California. in Cali. Yeah. And an Orange County Mayor laid the blame directly at DeSantis his feet. And of course, you know who else sort of blamed DeSantis Disney Disney. In fact, in an email to the well, we talked about last week how to the stockholders at the stockholder meeting, they said Florida is now a potential risk for Disney investment. Yes. You know, along with the war in Ukraine, certainly the kind of company you want to keep if you’re Florida, and in an email to the cast members, Josh tomorrow, who as Chairman of parks, he he said, You know, I hope we’ll be able to still invest $17 billion over the next 10 years but who knows? Right so I mean, I’d say that that’s blaming DeSantis pretty good but DeSantis won’t be deterred. He said as he continues his non presidential campaigning around you know, New Hampshire and other states said that he there’s zero chance he backs down from his fight with Disney and here’s what I think is interesting about that. Burbage that yeah, Disney is suing DeSantis and others for specifically targeting Disney’s freedom of speech by saying yeah, I’m not gonna back down from my fight with Disney. You’re effectively admitting that you are passing laws that are intentionally intended to target and flicked and target one private business. That seems like not a great use of government power.
Kelli 5:12
I would say that demonstrates actual malice. Yes, that’s what I would say to if we were gonna call this a First Amendment issue. Yeah, I would say that’s a great demonstration of actual malice.
Chris 5:23
Exactly. An admission to it. Yeah. both Disney and DeSantis have have their lawyers have issued a request to the court to dismiss the others. lawsuits. There’s that’s probably just procedural really. We talked last week about this, this new oversight administrator. His name is Glenn. Disney with his fame. No, no, not this guy. This. This is the this is the guy who’s gonna make $400,000 a year. He’s actually the administrator of this new oversight board. Right, right. Lackey. He is a lackeys on the ethics committee for the government that says, oh, no, Ron DeSantis can spend whatever money he wants to spend. It’s not a big, you know, to fly around and do a campaign for an election. He says he’s not yet running in. Well, he has now joined the long list of people that have now been sued by Disney. So welcome to that club is getting longer and more distinguished all the time. Fantastic. Sure, that is exactly.
Kelli 6:29
He has lawyers, people. I don’t get this. Yeah,
Chris 6:31
I know. Um, the sentences office responded to Disney’s plans to abandon the Florida headquarters with, I’d say, a lack of clear understanding of the situation. Disney and this is the DeSantis office response, Disney announced the possibility of light notice, campus nearly two years ago, nothing ever came with the project. Not true. And the state was unsure whether it would ever come to fruition. Probably also not true. Given the company’s financial straits falling market cap and declining stock price, it is unsurprising that they would restructure their business operations and cancel on successful ventures. That suggests that these are folks that don’t realize the parks, the tourism that is brought in is not the part of Disney that’s already that is a huge
Kelli 7:27
bet that a lot of those employees in California said I don’t want to move to Florida right now. Oh, I would bet that they heard from a lot of employees.
Chris 7:36
I just hope. I just hope that they those folks find their way back to Disney if they want to come in and a lot of those are gonna have filled they were burned by Disney, I’m sure. But I hope I hope they find their way back because some of those were some really great brilliant
Kelli 7:52
people. People. Absolutely. Yep,
Chris 7:55
for sure. Okay, so less hard left. Yeah, a little bit a little bit different. Bob J. Peck has been named in a lawsuit accusing executives misleading investors about Disney plus, because Disney plus has not performed. Right. So we should see how that plays out. lawsuit
Kelli 8:17
waiting to happen. Yeah, so the investors are suing che Peck
Chris 8:23
some, some or at least a group is wow. And they’re and they’re, you know, they’re suing others. So he was just one of the one of the people named in it. And this is where Disney is struggling right now is with the streaming services. And I’m starting out of camera. We’re starting soon, maybe next year. Maybe it’s sometime this year, they are going to remove a lot of titles from Hulu and Disney to keep from having to pay like residuals and get
Kelli 8:52
some tax breaks. And they’re not the only streaming service that struggling No, in fact,
Chris 8:56
I think most of them really struggle. Only recently, I think I saw that Netflix was doing okay, but maybe I’m wrong about that too. But I think I think most streaming services still have not quite figured out how to really make money doing it. Yeah, yeah, riders are expensive, and they’re gonna get more expensive if they win this strike. Which they should absolutely get paid. Good for him. Yep. So um interesting comment from Disney executives. I can’t remember if this was a marketing executive, but that Disney plus data will drive future theme park investment. So if you wish it’s an interesting idea. So what what what movies and TVs are being watched the most? And let’s Taylor Park experiences around that. Sure. I have a feeling that’s where the idea for Zootopia has come from right and marijuana is getting a lot of traction in the parks. If you look at a Scott Gustin recently put out a list of the most watched movies On Disney plus, and there’s an entire frozen land opening up soon. And I think just this summer in Hong Kong, I think well, you can
Kelli 10:09
look at how just the frozen just the RE skinning of the ride in Norway caused lines to be like an hour and a half, two hours long. Just for the reskin ride in Norway. That’s right.
Chris 10:21
And so yeah, it’s an interesting idea and I think it’s it’s not unwise, I
Kelli 10:26
think. Absolutely.
Chris 10:29
Let’s see Disney has launched their 2023 Pride collection ahead of Pride Month, I think is next
Kelli 10:36
month, June Yeah, yep. So gonna be donating money to pride organization.
Chris 10:39
I haven’t. I believe that’s the case. I didn’t go into a lot of detail. They had
Kelli 10:44
to do it last year because JPEG just screwed everything up. And nobody would have bought their pride stuff.
Chris 10:49
I’m gonna look that up while we’re while we’re while we’re podcasting. Real time. I’m gonna look it up while you’re finishing up. Yep. Just you know, Disney launches pride collection. I got you. You know how to use Google.
Kelli 11:00
I’ve used it a couple times before.
Chris 11:04
This Imagineering file permits for Tiana Tiana. Gosh Tiana’s Bayou adventure prop prop installation, so it’d be interesting to see how the whole permit filing thing goes, now that they got new board. I’m sure that they’ll be looking over all those props to make sure that there’s nothing woke about them. The you know, all the fire breathing effects all the Maleficent fire breathing effects. parks all over the world had sort of been shut down after she self immolated they’re out in during Fantasmic in California. Yeah. But the flame thrower effect has returned to the festival of fantasy parade. The Maleficent dragon in that parade is now breathing fire once again. We’re very happy about that. Buzz Lightyear has returned to the Magic Kingdom to do meet and greets, which is a COVID era policy change. So he’s bad as one of the last changes I guess. We’re because
Kelli 11:56
he’s got a mask. Now he does a honey that is Buzz Lightyear. Buzz Lightyear has the thing why, but
Chris 12:02
he didn’t wear it in the parks. It’s suffocating. It’s suffocating it
Kelli 12:06
must he be the last one to come back from I don’t think he’s I don’t think he’s the last
Chris 12:09
one. I think it’s but he was stopped during COVID. Let’s see here. Heavy Machinery has moved out into the lagoon at Epcot. They just they just made it bars free but now heavy machinery is out there again, as they are working on the new firework show that will start in the fall to celebrate Disney 100 The Disney Disney bras described it this way guests will be treated to the debut of an all new Epcot nighttime spectacular later this year. A dazzling display of music pyrotechnics, lasers, lighting, and a show will feature original compositions and evocative selections from the Disney songbook all woven together to remind us that we are more alike than we are different. I think that’s a good message.
Kelli 12:56
I feel like you’ve missed a fairly large announcement. And the music’s playing
Chris 13:02
a little thing about galactic starcruiser you’re killing all my time now. I’m not all your rambling. Yeah, there was another big announcement, the Disney galactic starcruiser resort shutting down for good the last the last voyage will take place on September the 28th. It’ll it will land on September the 30th. And then that will be it there will be no more Disney star cruiser. Look forward to the the what they learned from that. Because that was an audacious and super ambitious undertaking. It was just not quite right. Wasn’t it was
Kelli 13:42
way too expensive, way too expensive.
Chris 13:44
And not enough juice for the squeeze financially, I think. But I guarantee that they have learned a lot about what they tried to do there, they will apply those learnings going forward. Worst case scenario, right? They could just turn it into a a hotel that operates like a normal hotel, but it is a Star Wars themed Hotel. Because there are some really still very cool experiences that could that people will get a lot out of even just as a normal hotel. Definitely
Kelli 14:14
repurpose the building itself for sure. Yeah, sure. So the answer is Disney works with. They donate and work directly with pride organizations throughout the year. So there’s no there’s no announcement that all proceeds will go to x, y or z. But hey, if you want to know the year round work that we do with nonprofits to the support the LGBTQIA plus community, then please visit this website blah blah, blah. So it does not say that they are donating all proceeds to that but it does say that it is they were designed by people in the LGBTQ community and so these are authentic pro Ducks, okay is what they are calling them, which I think is interesting. I think that’s good. I think it’s good. It’s just seems like an interesting turn of phrase. Okay. Okay, what do you got for us for tomorrow?
Chris 15:12
Sounds good. Good for them. I am going to stick with our Asian American and Pacific Islander Appreciation Month. All those a little bit by happenstance. Tokyo Disneyland broke ground this week on their massive $400 million renovation to Space Mountain and the surrounding area that will effectively update all of Tomorrowland at the park. A lot of the information that I get from this is comes from the fantastic folks at Disney tourists blog.com. And if you read them as often as I do, you come to realize they actually spent a lot of time in Japan in Tokyo and then the Tokyo Disneyland theme park. That’s cool. And so they are really quite expert in this subject. So also, so this is a $400 million investment that they just broke ground on an interesting note here about this it it follows directly on the heels of a $3 billion investment. That just next spring will bring frozen tangled and Peter Pan attractions to Tokyo Disney see the fantasy springs portion of Tokyo Disney Sea. Those Those have moved forward with no delays or budget cuts that $3 billion investment also expanded fantasy land and produced a high end resort adjacent to the parks. Now that fantasy land expansion was where we get the new, the fairly new, enchanted tale of beating the beast attraction. Okay, this is the dark ride that is on a trackless system. Right. So
Kelli 16:58
it’s not an experience. Now. It’s an attraction. It’s not a show like what we have no,
Chris 17:02
no, this and we covered this on the podcast. Yeah. Where it has the special effects in this ride that absolutely blow people’s minds right out of their heads, right? It’s just really beautiful attraction. All of this $3 billion investment has not been hindered one ounce in the last few years. That’s that seems like a rarity, where we say we’re going to do we’re going to spend just gobs of money on something. And we’re going to not cut back on that as we get into it it for them. So additionally, there’s this $400 million new investment in Space Mountain and Tomorrowland. That’s right. Yep. According to the Oriental Land Company. These are the actual owners of the Disney parks and resorts in Tokyo. The end Disney tourists blog. This New Tomorrowland plaza will express the connection between Earth and the Universe representing an image of a future where humans are in harmony with nature, guests will be able to enjoy moments of rest and relaxation. In this plaza where various icon and other design elements create a sense of hope for the future. That seems like a pretty lofty goal.
Kelli 18:17
That’s cool, though.
Chris 18:18
I love the sentiment very much. The groundbreaking was on May the 16th. So just happened and it was invalid by a traditional Jensen sigh ceremony. This this sort of a ceremony pays respect to the land God’s future prosperity and purity to ward off evil spirits. I know it’s really really cool. The you’ve seen you’ve seen in America groundbreakings where everybody’s got hard hats on and they got the shovels you know, and they know the ceremonial groundbreakings. Well in Japan for this one, the groundbreaking actually happens with traditional wooden tools. So there it almost looks like a wooden hoe almost. It’s cool, which is really really cool. I love it. Very cool. I sort of wish that there had been some Walt Disney execs that had been there like they were for the previous you fantasyland expansion or the Disney Sea groundbreaking but it was just the CEO and some other executives from the Oriental Land Company. Which Okay, that’s fine. Space Mountain in Tokyo today is a duplication of the California version which if you listen to us previously, you know that we feel as the superior version of in the US although it although the one in Tokyo does have some different aesthetics. The one in Tokyo will close at some point in 2024 this entire revamping area closes well I think Space Mountain is going to close but the because it’s really it’s really just we’re gonna redo Space Mountain and the plaza around Space Mountain, but effectively could cause all of Tomorrowland to change its aesthetic, okay. And so Space Mountain will close at some point in 2024. And all of this work should be done in 2027. So this is a major undertaking here. The new version will continue to be an indoor coaster, but everything about the immersive aspects and the special effects are going to see a significant upgrade. So here’s the rumor. It could potentially use a similar ride system to that which is used in Guardians of the Galaxy cosmic rewind, at Epcot. That’s not official, but there was supposedly a larger than normal delegation from the Oriental Land Company and Walt Disney Japan attractions touring Epcot during the launch of cosmic rewind, we wouldn’t expect to be an exact replica of the ride just the same sort of technology. No one knows if actual Space Mountain structure will be demolished and rebuilt. Or if it will just receive a refreshed exterior. It really could go either way, the amount of refreshing the exterior it will receive is based on some concept art. And that would be significant. If it’s like, it’s significant. So it’s, you know, yeah, it’s pretty significant. If the rumors are true about the ride system, then the entire interior would also need to be gutted and overhauled. So if you’re keeping score, right, that’s we just described gutting the exterior, the ground and the interior. Yes, it would, might just be cheaper to tear down and rebuild, it’s likely also going to extend out into what’s used to be a large parking lot, much like Epcot had to do with the universe of energy when they built cosmic rewind. You might not even notice the enormous building that houses most of that ride because it’s painted to blend in with the Florida sky almost days, right. Speaking of the concept art, it is a absolutely beautiful design. Really sweeping and curving architecture harkens slightly to like the Tron canopy sort of thing a little bit cooler, maybe cooler, because it’s not quite so, so bright, and it’s lighting. It’s much more subtle lighting. Today’s version, as you know, is rigid, Angular, harsh lines. This will appear undulating and almost like waves in motion. Yeah, no, it’s
Kelli 22:16
cool looking for sure.
Chris 22:17
The question posed and not so many words by the Disney tourists blog is whether the New Tomorrowland design sorry, we’ll maintain the same optimism that is invoked by the current entrance to Tomorrowland in Tokyo. Their essay sort of made me realize that so many of the changes, we’ve seen that magic kingdom’s Tomorrowland the decade that last few decades, it’s gone through a number of updates and changes might have fallen short of him of invoking optimism about the future. And for me, it has evoked a lot of just SAO Jia, right. How we used to think the future would look is sort of how I feel in Tomorrowland and nostalgia is fine, but it’s not the same as optimism.
Kelli 23:03
I would have said optimism though like in the 80s.
Chris 23:06
Right so if you if you go online and look at the the Tomorrowland entrance in Tokyo Disneyland there are these twin spires that we used to have in Tomorrowland at Magic Kingdom. The writers at Disney source blog are reminiscing about those original spires in Magic Kingdom how these hearken to those and they’re they’re just these gorgeous twin spires. They’ve got this blue tile work that’s really vivid bright blue and and then it walks us way down into like a little pond. It and I get it it really sort of invokes optimism. Yep. Yep. And there’s concern obviously that maybe some of that goes away with this new look because they’re the the weenie for Tomorrowland is Space Mountain. Absolutely. Right. And so is that going to be maintained by this new Lotus optimism? Are the spires even going to stay? Will they be completely reworked in this new aesthetic? I don’t know. Once apparently went when you’re when you’re there, though. There Tomorrowland has some of the same problems that are Tomorrowland is here have it it just feels disjointed. There are things that don’t feel like in play like they have Star Tours there. And the area around Star Tours is sort of like Star Wars The Star Wars aesthetic is not one of future optimism. Star Wars is a is a space Western or with space. samurais. And you know, it’s and everything I mean, at the first words in the movies are a long time ago. Right in a galaxy far, far away. Right? And then they also in their Tomorrowland, just like ours, they have some monsters inc stuff. Is that Tomorrowland right
Kelli 24:53
and we’ve got stitch two we’ve got some stupid little cars, right
Chris 24:58
so They have their issues also. But I think one one thing that gives me hope for what this is going to do so is this nielit going to generate optimism is that the people that are doing this are the same people that that built Tokyo Disney see? Okay, by many accounts, that’s the best park in the world. From a Disney perspective. That’s the best park in the world. The folks at Disney tourists blog would tell you that even today, Tokyo Disneyland is the second best Disney park in the world. That’s a that’s too strong endorsements for us to take a trip to Japan. Right? Yeah. So and then not forget that these are the same Imagineering group that gave us the new fantasyland over there with this enchanted tales of beating the beast, it has blown everybody’s mind. So I got a lot of hope between the concept art I’ve seen and the Imagineers that are running this, that it’s in good hands and very excited for what this thing’s gonna look like.
Kelli 25:56
Absolutely. We need to share that concept art on Instagram, because it’s it’s pretty awesome. It’s
Chris 26:01
pretty really cool. Yep. So that’s, that’s the New Tomorrowland and new Space Mountain World Showcase. Right?
Kelli 26:07
So y’all know I love the official day calendar,
Chris 26:13
right sorts of ideas today, the
Kelli 26:15
21st when we’re recording this is officially talk like Yoda day. Now I’m gonna give you a little bit of history on this right so first of all, Yoda is one of the most popular characters in the Star Wars universe for sure. for over 40 years, he has graced the screen of Star Wars I know. And people still named their pets after him. They love to name their pets Yoda. And so here’s the interesting thing. The beauty of it the like Yoda de is, it’s about changing your sentence structure. It’s not really an accent okay? So Yoda syntax follows a distinctly different pattern than how we, we typically speak right? So for the most part very much his sentences follow the object subject verb pattern, you didn’t think this is where this session was gonna go? Did you? segment right? So 40 sentence diagrams. For sample There’s a famous Yoda line from Star Wars. Powerful, which is your object you subject have verb become? Right? Powerful. You have become Yes. Instead of you have become power. Yes. That’s how I would have said right. So we normally look at Subject Verb Agreement, they’re looking at object Subject, Verb Agreement, so very interesting with Yoda here. And then he says the dark side object I subject, since verb in you, right? So it’s this very interesting syntax that is unique to Yoda. And so all of these sentences you’ll notice contain a subject and a predicate, right? Again, not always, that’s not how we speak cables. I just broke my arm
Chris 27:53
immediately back in 10th grade, seventh grade Misko. Right.
Kelli 27:59
So you didn’t think we’re gonna get get into sentence structure and Yoda syntax today, but I do think that’s important to sort of set this up. Okay. So national taught like yo, today celebrates the anniversary release of Star Wars Episode Five, The Empire Strikes Back. Okay. Oh, yes. And this is where fans first meet Yoda in the swamps on the planet. Daggubati day, goodbye, day. Goodbye. I’m sorry. That was a long story. Really? It really is.
Chris 28:27
You said it wrong.
Kelli 28:28
Oh my gosh, you’re so this is where he famously trains Luke, you know, to lift the rocks and the ship and all that kind of stuff. Okay. I know you hate Star Wars. I love it. Then in 1983. He does. Right? So spoiler alert. Really? You have to really lose it. Okay, so then there’s this long hiatus with no Yoda. And then they released the prequel trilogy, which is part of why can’t follow Star Wars at all, because it’s really confusing to me. In the prequel trilogy, we get younger Yoda right? Yeah. And so that one of the largely resented scenes of that trilogy was the fight scene in episode two Attack of the Clones. But that is when Yoda flexed his Jedi skills more than we’ve seen in any other movie. Well, yeah, right. I mean, he absolutely killed it there. So Yoda held a number of really important positions throughout his time. With Star Wars. He was Grandmaster of the Jedi Council. He was master of the Jedi Order. He was a general during the Clone Wars. And other than that, his backstory is full of mystery. That’s true. We don’t know where his sentence syntax comes from. We don’t even know what planet he comes from, or how many other of his species exist, which is part of why the Mandalorian is blew up, because everybody kept calling it baby Yoda.
Chris 29:54
And where are we going to learn? Where are we going to learn? Learn we don’t know where growth is even from right.
Kelli 29:58
He is said to be Are you the oldest, wisest and most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe? Yes. So I’m gonna give you five fun facts about Yoda. And then 10 have given us so many. And then 10 of his best quotes. Okay, so first of all Fun Fact Number one, the original Yoda was voiced and puppeted by Frank Oz. Who is also famous for performing the Muppet characters of Miss Piggy Fozzie Bear animal in SAM eagle, which I think is great, love it. Buffy the Sith Slayer Buffy was the name Lucas originally had planned for the character, but screenwriter Leigh Brackett changed it to Mitch Yoda, and then later dropped the Mitch. Although Mitch would imply like a species name. Like Mitch Yoda, right human Chris type situation. Bracket chose the name Yoda. Because it is SANSKRIT SANSKRIT for warrior. Oh, which felt more fitting for his Jedi personality. Okay, I love that. A newly discovered species of fruit bat, found in a remote rainforest in New Guinea, was named the Yoda bat, because it bears a striking resemblance resemblance to the George Lucas character on
Chris 31:19
believing. I mean, he’s a bat. He’s a bat and now he’s the Yoda bat.
Kelli 31:23
George Lucas put off. This is number five George Lucas put off making the Star Wars trilogy because he feared Yoda couldn’t be made to adequately fight without having to rely on CGI. Right. The problem was ultimately solved by the use of an animatronic Muppet version of Yoda and some clever camerawork. So I think that’s interesting that he was like, we can’t do it yet because Yoda needs to be a badass.
Chris 31:46
Yoda needs to be able to bounce all over the place. Yes. Okay,
Kelli 31:51
so you’re ready for the 10 best quotes? Yes. Okay, these are not in any order, but the last one is the best, but the rest of them are not in any order. Okay, first. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Chris 32:08
facts, facts, Yoda is dropping bombs he is spitting fire here in 2023 Train
Kelli 32:16
yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.
Chris 32:20
Preach Yoda preach it’s a hard one it is a hard one. Many
Kelli 32:24
of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view that’s a good one right? I mean, this guy, there’s a few people I’d like to say that to be honest. I think that one’s really critical in in our societal moment that we’re okay the next one named muster fear be before banish it you can oh my gosh right I’m not
Chris 32:50
there I’m not there yet. I’m assuming pretty convicted though. But I’m just
Kelli 32:54
saying like he was he was a man before his time or whatever gender not gender specific I’m pretty sure but he was a Yoda before his time. Size matters not look at me judge me by my sides do you Mm hmm. And will you should not for my ally my ally is the force and a powerful ally it is life creates it makes it grow Its energy surrounds us and binds us Luminous beings we are not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you here between you me the tree the rock everywhere Yes. Even between the land and the ship that’s that wouldn’t often gets shortened to just judge me about my size, do you? But it’s I think it has much more is going
Chris 33:43
on there for sure. Yeah, it’s a it’s a pretty powerful speech when he’s giving it I mean, I can actually see it and hear
Kelli 33:48
it you’ve ever seen it or heard it, but I just thought I really did a good job did a good job.
Chris 33:52
But I mean, I’ve seen maybe like you had seen it reenacting it I just know better.
Kelli 33:56
A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense never for attack. This one honestly needs to be needs to be a t shirt. And it’s not used enough. Just disconnect once in a day sometimes sit silently from all connections. disconnect yourself.
Chris 34:20
I feel like he knows me like I’ve never felt more sane.
Kelli 34:24
I know Yoga does that for me. Like with Yoga does it for me? Like with a G? Yes. It forces me to for an hour not look at the film at all. Okay, if in anger you answer, then in shame you dwell it’s a fact.
Chris 34:39
Backs go to its facts.
Kelli 34:45
Okay, next to last. The greatest teacher failure is brilliant. This is a brilliant little green creature. Yes. And I don’t think that this non gender specific saying gets enough credit. Honestly, the shirts that are made with Yoda quotes are just not that great. Now this one you’re gonna this is it this is the best one this is the one everybody quotes this is the one you see everywhere bla bla bla bla Do or do not, there is no try, you know try right. That is your most memorable quote. And it is aligned from the X Wing sequence on Daigo ba Yes, you I’m learning and are the last instructions that he gives Luke before he attempts to raise his fighter from the swamp and he just says it’s too big. It’s to size matters not size matters not and then or do not there is no trial right
Chris 35:40
after he gives him that long speech you gave weak weak human lifts that thing right up out of the water it’s the music that goes along with it is incredible. It’s such a powerful scene. Such Yeah, so people in my family are gonna hate that I recount this right here on the podcast. But when my brother was born Oh
Kelli 36:03
yeah, because the IRS
Chris 36:04
we called him Yoda baby and and like my uncle would would look at little infant Mitchell and say big ears you
know, he was he was Yoda baby for a long time.
Kelli 36:21
I mean, I will say that that’s one thing you should you should be happy with.
Chris 36:25
Your ear sigh ears can definitely fit inside of over the ear headphones
Kelli 36:29
have you have really cute ears.
Chris 36:33
Your mom like my ears too.
Kelli 36:34
I mean you might be missing teeth and all that but she got really cute ears
Chris 36:41
more facts you have dropped some you and Yoda dropped so many facts here up in here. Folks, that is that is the show for this week. We hope you enjoyed it. You know what to do now you go out to wherever you get your podcasts from. And you leave us a five star rating if you can also leave us a review that helps us so much we’re trying to find other people to enjoy the show. Yeah,
Kelli 37:03
if you want to read leave us that review and like that Yoda syntax would be so great. Wouldn’t it be awesome? And if you’re looking for more things Disney please visit SCF atp.com. That’s SEF that’s s for Super C for Cali for awesome team for this
Chris 37:24
team do such a good job though running through that.
Kelli 37:26
I just did it twice.
Chris 37:30
Hey, you know what you could do also leave us tag us in a message telling us what your favorite Yoda moment is in the Star Wars series. With that folks follow us on Instagram at SCF ADP and with that we will see you real soon