This week, Kelli gets excited about their upcoming Snack-ortunities at Disneyland and Chris tries to create controversy with the most underrated rides at Walt Disney World.
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For show notes, transcript, and more details from this episode, please visit: https://scfadp.com/podcast-season-4/disney-news-7-19-disneyland-snacks-and-underrated-rides-at-disney-world/
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Show Notes:
- Orange County FL mayor recommends mask wearing indoors
- Resorts:
- Resorts named eligible for for early entry starting Oct. 1
- Shades of Green added to list of resorts honoring the early entry at WDW parks.
- https://blogmickey.com/2021/07/shades-of-green-added-to-early-theme-park-entry-eligible-hotels/
- Along with Swan and Dolphin resorts
- Headhunter Roll and Shrunken Zombie Head items renamed at Grog Grotto at WDW
- Belle Vue Lounge set to reopen at Boardwalk July 14
- Atlantic Dance Hall set to reopen at Boardwalk on Aug 6
- Parks
- Summer Fun Ticket $54/day
- General Joe Potter Ferry involved in crash at MK
- 2000 cast members relocated from California to new FL campus in Lk Nona
- EPCOT Monorail Service Restarts on July 18
Baby Hippo born at AK
- Halloween Dine returns to Hollywood and Vine (Buffet) on Aug 10.
- 2021 Holiday Schedules Announced
- https://blogmickey.com/2021/07/disney-very-merriest-after-hours-replaces-mickeys-very-merry-christmas-party-at-magic-kingdom/
- https://blogmickey.com/2021/07/2021-holiday-entertainment-announced-for-disneys-hollywood-studios/
- https://blogmickey.com/2021/07/2021-epcot-international-festival-of-the-holidays-dates-announced/
- https://blogmickey.com/2021/07/2021-holiday-entertainment-announced-for-disneys-animal-kingdom/
- More In-Park Disney firework launch locations set up for Disney Enchantment Fireworks show
- Disneyland Paris introduces “Sanitary Pass”
- Entertainment
- Behind the Attraction coming to Disney+ July 21
- Beauty and the Beast Disney+ series is a prequel focusing on Gaston a LeFou friendship
Chris 0:28
Welcome aboard Disney fam. Welcome aboard indeed. My name is Chris.
Chris 0:37
And I’m Kelli.
Chris 0:38
And Kelli is wearing ears tonight that are actually hands.
Kelli 0:42
I call them my Mickey jazz hand ears.
Chris 0:44
That’s a really good name. That’s a good name. These are in place of what would normally be ears or Mickey’s white gloved hands.
Kelli 0:51
In a jazz hand configuration. Yeah, and when I’m moving my head around, they move a little they bounce and stuff.
Chris 0:59
They bounce.
Kelli 1:00
I love it. I mean, I’ll say these are super comfy ears. Yeah, no, you know, I rate my ears based on comfort and that’s what I needed tonight. Oh, good.
Chris 1:08
And they also match your your white earphones.
Kelli 1:11
They do match my headphones. I mean, I felt like I was in a very jazz hand kind of place tonight.
Chris 1:15
As per usual. As per usual, okay, so hey, we see you downloading our show and we are so grateful. All of you in this place. I’m going to butcher Gosh. Puyallup, Washington Puyallup Puyallup.
Kelli 1:37
I think it’s Puyallup.
Chris 1:39
Really like you’ve heard of this place?
Kelli 1:41
I think I have.
Chris 1:42
Wow. Because I think you nailed them pronunciation I think. It’s right outside of Tacoma.
Kelli 1:49
I think it was on a show or something. Some podcast.
Chris 1:51
I think you nailed that. I hope so. Okay, but if we didn’t still just reach out to us, tell us how to say it and we’ll send you a sticker. Absolutely. McKeesport, Pennsylvania, which is right outside of Pittsburgh. Okay. Thank you all for downloading. I can’t believe we’ve never listed this place before, but it’s near and dear to your heart. Anderson, South Carolina.
Kelli 2:15
Wow. Anderson. Shout out to my peeps in Anderson, South Carolina.
Chris 2:22
Born and raised in your hometown. So yeah, thank you, Anderson, for downloading our little show here.
Kelli 2:33
Come on, let’s do it. International name.
Chris 2:38
Fraize, France. Fraize, France. They are on the far eastern border of France right near Italy. The border with Germany and Switzerland. Okay. Sounds great to know exactly where that is lovely France, probably in the Alps. Maybe the French Alps.
Kelli 2:59
Wherever you are. We love you.
Chris 3:01
We certainly do. We certainly do. You ready for the news?
Kelli 3:04
I’m totally ready for the news.
Chris 3:05
All right. So really great news on the COVID front, it’s going up everywhere all over the country. Because we’ve got, like so many ways now to stop the spread. And we’re just not because everybody’s just tired of it. They don’t want to wear a mask anymore. People who aren’t back so we’ll get back to that. Go get vaccinated people.
Kelli 3:30
And keep wearing the mask. It really does help. Science. This is data. Wear the mask.
Chris 3:36
Please. In any case, Orange County, Florida mayor, Mayor demings has said that he recommends that people go back to wearing masks indoors. Yes. So, you know, so but it’s not a mandate. He’s recommending it. And frankly, you know, we’re heading to California in two days. The day this comes out actually. And I think LA is also recommending indoor masking again.
Kelli 4:07
I thought Disneyland specifically was all still masks.
Chris 4:11
I don’t think outside. Yeah. All right.
Kelli 4:14
Well, I guess we’ll see.
Chris 4:14
Yep, we will see. Um, the resort say they’ve named all the resorts that are technically eligible for the early entry starting October the first okay. It’s basically all of the Disney resorts Of course, but they’ve got Disney friendly resorts that are also included in that like the Waldorf Astoria Orlando. All of the Disney village resorts like the Hilton Orlando, Buona Vista, like one of us to then one of us to palace, Holiday Inn Orlando, Wyndham garden, four seasons, a lot of these other places that are friendly. shades of green has officially been announced that they will also be able to take part in that that’s the military resort that’s on this property right there near Polynesian And the swan and dolphin resorts which are not surprising, right? As trader Sam’s grog grotto at Polynesian is getting ready to open they’ve announced that the headhunter role which is a sushi roll, and the shrunken zombie head drink are getting new names. The headhunter sushi roll will be known as the Kahuna tuna sushi roll, okay. And the shrunken zombie head will just be known as the zombie. Okay, and it served in like a zombie head drink mug. Good zombie head mug. Yeah, okay. Yep. And I think that like the model for that mug was actually like the model for one of the grim grinning ghosts. Not the grim grinning ghosts, but the the ghosts that will follow you home.
Kelli 5:50
Oh, okay.
Chris 5:52
All right. The Bellevue lounge one of our favorite most comfy lounges in all of Disney World at boardwalk resort is set to open up on July the 14th.
Kelli 6:03
Man that is just a lovely napping spot if you’re a napper, you know, I mean, we caught some people napping in there. Yeah. we’ve hung out there before they have what looks like a delightful breakfast.
Chris 6:15
Breakfast and from time to time they serve a drink in there. Yeah. Another fun thing about the boardwalk on August the sixth, not October, August, the 16th, the Atlantic dance hall reopens.
Kelli 6:30
Wait, do we have any news on Jelly Rolls?
Chris 6:32
No news on Jelly Rolls just yet. Just the Atlantic dance hall, but that brings a lot of folks in that’s a really cool dance club.
Kelli 6:41
And you got to believe that if you can have a dance club open you can have Jelly Roll open.
Chris 6:45
Yep. It’s just a matter of time. I’m sure. Please. Right now. So there’s no official word that it’s opening from Disney. But the like the little letters sign that they have out front under the marquee says reopening August 6 from from 8pm to 1am. Okay. Which is really cool. That’s fine. I love that. Are they wearing masks? Florida has, well for Florida residents, Walt Disney World has released what they call summer fun tickets for 54 bucks a day. I don’t know that that includes Park hopping But okay, but wow. That’s a great deal. great deal, man.
Kelli 7:23
That’s a good deal.
Chris 7:25
Yep. The summer fun ticket. Like that’s more than half off. I know. If you go if you’re going if you’re live in Florida, man. Take advantage of that.
Kelli 7:33
I mean, I would bet a lot of more. Do you have Season Passes? But still? True? Right. Because they give a good discount for season passes.
Chris 7:39
Yeah. But you know, I think you know, getting more people in getting more revenue because they’re not getting those international visitors. Oh, here in the summertime. Right now. So yeah, come a day, you know, the ferrys, the ferrys to go from train transportation and tickets or something. I don’t know if my tongue is twice as normal size, but I’m struggling with words. Tonight. Maybe. Maybe I’m having a stroke. The ferries to go from transportation and ticket center over to Magic Kingdom. One of them’s known as the general Joe Potter had a marine crash according to the Orlando sheriff.
Kelli 8:14
What does that mean? Where did it crash?
Chris 8:17
I don’t know. Not a lot of details. The folks who were you know, media trying to take pictures didn’t see any damage to the ferry. And there was no word on whether there were any injuries. So it’s not a lot of information, but it is currently docked and not moving in the Magic Kingdom right now. Okay. 2000 cast members are being relocated from California to the Florida campus in Lake Nona, Florida. Okay. This is they said this has been in the works since 2019. Part of me the cynical part of me wants to say this is part of Disney thumbing their nose at California for making them wait so long to reopen everything out there. But these are more corporate people. In fact, a lot of these people they’re basically moving the entire Walt Disney Imagineering team to Florida, which is I guess that’s cool. Yeah. The the average pay for these people is over $120,000 a year. So these are these are they do okay, I mean, California has expense expenses still.
Kelli 9:15
So with that pay they’re gonna get a great cost of living increase.
Chris 9:20
For sure. Especially considering they don’t they won’t pay income taxes in Florida or state income taxes in Florida. Right. Good for them. Yeah, for sure. Epcot, monorail service starts back up on July 18. You know, it’s been down, so that’s good. Um, hold on to your seats. A baby Hippo was born in a kingdom. We don’t know you know, I’m gonna ask that. No, we don’t no its name.
Kelli 9:48
Don’t give me that line about personality.
Chris 9:50
I don’t, Well, I don’t even know if they know if it’s boy or girl yet. Because they haven’t had an opportunity to get close enough to closely examine the baby. Oh, but they have I’ve put out some pictures. I’m just gonna go right out and say it baby hippos are just the most adorable things ever. I mean, this may be 100 pounds 200 pounds. I think they’re smaller than elephants, I think but you know, that gives me They’re huge. They’re big. All I know is like this thing’s laying its head right up on Mama’s snout. Oh, this is just, it is just too much, man. How precious. I kind of get that kid that wants a baby hippopotamus for Christmas. I can get it now. Halloween dine has returned to the Hollywood and Vine I mean you get understand that was the struggle on August the 10th we’re starting to Halloween dine. Wow. they you know they started all that stuff. Okay, yeah.
Kelli 11:06
Now start Thanksgiving.
Chris 11:10
The 2021 holiday schedules are have been announced for all the parks like all the holiday entertainment that they’re going to bring to the parks. I decided not to go into too much detail on those because I figured those will be good YouTube episodes.
Kelli 11:25
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Chris 11:25
Yeah. So and by the way, hey, we’re doing new YouTube episodes. Go out there and check those out there just the world of fun.
Kelli 11:32
Yeah, absolutely.
Chris 11:34
But they did. I will go and say Epcot festival the holidays runs November the 26th through December the 30th
Kelli 11:41
I think they should stretch it into January at least like a week. I’m just saying like you know we keep our tree up, last year do we kept our tree up until like March.
Chris 11:49
I think that people should celebrate the way we do.
Kelli 11:51
I think it brings such joy to light the tree up in October from October through March. It really does.
Chris 12:01
More in park firework launch locations like in park firework launch spots for Magic Kingdom fireworks for the Disney enchantment nighttime show that’s coming. Okay. And Macron the president of France as basically said, you gotta have a special, yhis is a terrible name, sanitary pass to because of their rising COVID numbers also to get into not a good name, but it is not. Oh, no, they don’t know how that translates. But it’s not anyway, over here they we’d be complaining about you know, vaccine passports. But anyway, that’s coming into that’s what they’re gonna be doing over there.
Kelli 12:44
You got to have that to get into the country?
Chris 12:46
No, to get into any kind of entertainment or cultural event with more than 50 people. So Disneyland Paris is a show coming to Disney plus behind the attraction launches on July the 21st. That looks like it’s gonna be a really cool look at how they’ve created some of the most iconic attractions around the world. Yeah, you love those kinds of things. And real quick Beauty and the Beast, Disney plus series prequal focusing on Lafou and Gaston’s friendship, starring Josh Gad, and we might see Lafou’s coming out.
Kelli 13:21
Chris 13:24
I’m not gonna say that. Okay, like I say that’s that’s what people are excited about. Okay, so hey, you want to do a Minnie Take? Okay, so what did I say? The Minnie Take was gonna be? It’s gonna be, I know. Just I’m a disaster tonight. What is your favorite paid event?
Kelli 13:49
I’m gonna go with the very Merry Christmas.
Chris 13:52
Yeah, I mean,
Kelli 13:54
I think the one of the reasons I like it the most is because people were there in their PJs. Yeah. And you’re just walking around drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies here. And then you move over to eat a cupcake here and all that. You know, they had free snacks, which is something special for Disney. Really. People were encouraged to wear jammies. It was just like a fun thing. Yeah. It also is the I think the best parade because you’ve got the soldiers and the reindeer. Two of my favorite characters. Absolutely. I love soldiers the reindeer.
Chris 14:28
That’s absolutely true. Yeah, there’s I was gonna say the very merry christmas party too. But you you touched on a lot of the good reasons why it’s fewer people in the parks. Yeah, Christmas is my favorite time of the year to go to Disney anyway. Yeah. And they do a good job at the Magic Kingdom of really making it feel Christmassy with the fake snow and all that fun stuff.
Kelli 14:48
It’s fake?
Chris 14:50
I mean the snow or mainstreet just the regular the regular normal style on Main Street.
Kelli 14:55
Just kill the magic. Oh my goodness, we need to we need to get on my tomorrowland segment because you are struggling.
Chris 15:02
I know. Okay, you ready?
Kelli 15:04
Yes. So, like you mentioned last week, I’m feeling a lot of pressure to do a bunch of tomorrowlands related to Disneyland. Yeah, like two days because it is in fact tomorrow. So I really struggled, like I went back and forth this week on a profile one particular restaurant when one particular like land, like there’s so many options, there’s so many options out there. And so what I decided to do was just make a list of all the snacks I want to try at Disneyland.
Chris 15:35
That’s good. There’s a future Minnie Take that is really going to play into this very well.
Kelli 15:39
So I just want to go down the list of the snacks I want to try. Okay, some of them are California Adventure. Some of them are at Disneyland. You know, basically, I curated this list looking through a bunch of different Instagram feeds. So the research was very thorough with what I thought looked good, and there’s a pretty hard theme related to churros and chocolate. So I’ll just say this is a list of probably mostly sweets, okay, and I’m not gonna apologize.
Chris 16:16
I’m not gonna judge you for it.
Kelli 16:17
Thanks honey. So here’s the list of snacks. I want to try Disneyland. These are in no particular order, because I’m not good at ordering things one through 10 and then going backwards. Number one, docking bay seven you know I love docking bay 7. Docking bay 7 has a drink called the cold brew black caf. Caf, CAF like short for caffeinated. This is $5.49. This is cold brewed coffee topped with sweet cream cheese, and cocoa puffs. This thing is all over the insta. It’s all over the grams. And what people are saying is it says sweet cream cheese but it’s really like a sweet cream. Like a thicker foam or something. It’s not It’s not like they don’t put a dollop of cream cheese on it. And people say it doesn’t even taste like cream cheese tastes like sweet cream. Okay, but I think it’s thicker than a foam, condensed milk. It’s not it sort of runs down into the the coffee. And then you got the cocoa puffs on top. What everybody’s saying is, you know, look,
Chris 17:23
You love cocoa puffs.
Kelli 17:24
You know, everybody’s saying, you know, looking at the description and even the picture of it. I was thinking man, but then when you have it, you’re like, Oh, this is fantastic. And so it’s really taken off now. You know, I’ve got soft space for docking bay seven. So really, I firmly believe that they can make it happen. I got faith in docking bay seven.
Chris 17:45
Kelli 17:46
Okay, so next, we’re going to Schmoozies. And here I’m going to get the Affogado which is $5.99 it is the vanilla bean ice cream top to espresso. And what they say is you let the espresso melt the vanilla bean ice cream you want the ice cream to melt into the espresso and then you essentially get like an ice cream espresso drink. And it’s just supposed to be out of this world.
Chris 18:17
Very interesting.
Kelli 18:19
So next is in Cars Land Okay, this is a specialty churro just for Cars Land and it is the milk and cookies churro so this churro has hints of Oreo it kind of looks like they dusted it in Oreo. And then they give you a cookies and cream dipping sauce. Oh that’s what they say on the interwebs is asked for 2 of the dipping sauce.
Chris 18:42
Because the internet really comes through.
Kelli 18:45
The internet comes through in this kind of stuff. These churros look fairly long. I mean like significantly long. And they say one little dipping sauces not even enough for the top.
Chris 18:56
Just says the dipping sauce is delicious.
Kelli 18:58
Oh it is delicious. Okay, so next up this I did not know was out there and I’m pretty excited about it. This is the ronto-less garden wrap. Now. One of the people on Insta that I was looking to her feed who does all Disneyland food. She is a huge fan of the ronto wrap. She’s a total meat eater. Okay, but she says she got this ronto-less garden wrap and it blew every other ronto wrap she’s ever had out of the park and she will always get this one. Yes, this is plant based sausage, spicy kimchi slaw, sweet pickled cucumber plant based gochujang spread and it’s all wrapped in a pita so it’s a very Korean vibe. But plant based and I would totally give that a go.
Chris 19:50
Yeah, that sounds delicious.
Kelli 19:51
Doesn’t it? Sounds great. Next up is more churros. We got the churro gears. From maurices treats wagon. It’s $5.49 for two, this really the shape of a doughnut, but it’s like a churro.
Chris 20:14
A doughnut or like a spiral?
Kelli 20:15
They say it’s amazing, but it looks like a churro donut, and the one lady that I got so many of these from describes this as “hella bomb.”
Chris 20:27
Who doesn’t want to eat something that’s hella bomb?
Kelli 20:30
I’m totally for that. Okay, sure. Sure churro gears.
Chris 20:39
Okay, right gears. That’s great.
Kelli 20:41
Next up is the gray stuff gateau at the red rose tavern. This is $5.99. This is chocolate cookies and cream mousse covering red velvet cake with a raspberry center sitting on a shortbread cookie crust and topped with chocolate pearls. I mean, that’s not the gray stuff I had at disney world.
Chris 21:06
I did not have that.
Kelli 21:08
And I’m going to need that it’s delicious. Apparently try the gray stuff. That’s what Lumier says. Right? So you can see there’s definitely a theme here so far. The Ronto-less garden wrap is really the only thing that’s not sweets or coffee. Next up is the choco smash candy bar. Pym’s test kitchen. This is $7.99. It is three thick layers of a chocolate brownie nougat. nougat does it say that nougat nougat nougat nougat. You get caramel and peanuts covered in dark chocolate. This is supposedly all over the interwebs and everybody’s like this really is a massive candy bar. Like take a Ziploc bag bring this thing home.
Chris 21:52
Oh no, really?
Kelli 21:53
Yeah. Like No, this thing is a big deal. It’s a big deal. Seven. It’s an $8 candy bar. I mean, it ought to be a big deal. Okay, next up is the cosmic cream orb from Terran treats. This is $6.25. I’ve seen this all over the place. It is a crisp Terran cream puff filled with whipped raspberry cheesecake. It looks like a black rock. And when you open it up, it has bright purple cream inside. Oh, this is from that Terran treats little like booth. And everybody says Terran treats booth is really good.
Chris 22:31
I’ve heard that. Yeah, yes. Is this like a marvel avengers campus?
Kelli 22:35
I think so. Next up is the fluffernutter churro at Willie’s churros. All about the churro. There’s a theme, and this is $6.25. This is a cinnamon sugar churro topped with a peanut butter sauce. Marshmallow sauce and chocolate chips. This like in a in like a boat thing? You know? Got something to hold it in. Okay, seems messy. Yeah. Next is the matterhorn macaroon. This is $2.99. What a deal is this matterhorn macarron? It is a dense and moist coconut macaroon topped with hardened white chocolate and shaped like the matterhorn.
Chris 23:18
This thing looks like a mountain.
Kelli 23:20
It does. It looks like a little White Mountain. Next up is the raspberry rose Mickey macaroon. This is $5.99. This is a raspberry French macaroon filled with raspberry mousse and fresh raspberries. So they say like if you’re not a raspberry fan. Don’t get it. But if you are a raspberry fan, it’s going to blow your mind.
Chris 23:37
Well you love raspberries.
Kelli 23:39
I love raspberries. Next up a can of Coke coffee.
Chris 23:45
Oh what?
Kelli 23:46
I didn’t even know this existed honey. You can Google it. It’s it’s available globally. Now you can get up at the target. I bet the HyVee has it. This is $5.25 and they have three different flavors it they say it sips like a coke and finishes like a coffee. I’d give it a go. I mean it’s $5.25 they’re saying that Coke is creating an entirely new beverage category that they’re calling refreshment coffee. I’ve got two honorable mentions. Okay, the first one is the Cinderella carriage light up popcorn bucket. That is not technically food but I need it. The wheels move. And apparently people like drag these things all over the park. Like they’re listed really carry just following them through the park. And it lights up at night. Honorable mention number two, the Jungle Cruise pineapple split from tropical hideaway in Disneyland it comes in a jungle cruise boat. Okay, so like you get your own boat!
Chris 24:51
A pineapple spear as opposed to say, a banana?
Kelli 24:56
It’s interesting.
Chris 24:57
How’s the world just now introducing this?
Kelli 25:01
It’s interesting. I really just want the boat. I mean, either the Cinderella carriage or the pineapple split, I would totally be fine just walking up and being like, give me the carriage. I don’t need the popcorn. Give me the boat. I don’t need the split.
Chris 25:16
Well, all God’s children.
Kelli 25:20
Okay, take us to world showcase. All right, get your act together.
Chris 25:23
So I really worked hard to see if I could fit something about our upcoming trip into my world showcase, but I just couldn’t do it. So I decided to because you give me grief about you’ve never done that before. So I just decided, you know, I’m gonna focus on where we’ve been like how I’m supposed to in this segment and talk about what are the most underrated attractions at Walt Disney World. Okay, and so we fight over this a little bit.
Kelli 25:51
Okay, so you know, I’m always up for fight.
Chris 25:53
I know you are honey. Okay, so first off Magic Kingdom. Okay, there’s a ton of Magic Kingdom that could be considered underrated. I mean, I don’t have the country bears on here and you really ought to. Very much, underrated.
Kelli 26:07
That’s not underrated. It’s rated properly. Zero. Don’t at me people. Country bears need to go.
Chris 26:14
Carousel of Progress. Genuinely nostalgic piece of Walt Disney history. A song that sticks in your head for weeks. calm, cool. And relaxing. Yeah. And I you know, might be a little bit crazy here, but I actually love the little tidbits about how every time period they thought it just couldn’t get any better.
Kelli 26:41
You’re saying it’s underrated because there’s never really like a line?
Chris 26:44
Yeah, you don’t hear people talking about it. You know, people just but it’s always there. They don’t get rid of it. It’s wonderful. I love Carousel of Progress. The Walt Disney World railroad never done it. A lot of people don’t even consider it an attraction, but it’s a ride at Disney goes all around the Magic Kingdom Park. It’s a wonderful way on hot days to travel from one area of the park to another. Yeah, I’ve heard that. I think but you’ve never done it because it’s so underrated.
Kelli 27:13
I’ve never done it. I don’t even know where to get on.
Chris 27:16
You can get on in any number of places. But the you know, the most famous places right there at the front of the park at the you know, and where does it take you? It’ll stop it like it stops at frontier land. I think it stops over there in the storybook area. And I think maybe there’s even a stop over near Tomorrowland, maybe.
Kelli 27:34
See that’s so interesting. I don’t even know where the train like goes like where would it stop in Tomorrowland and people get off. I’ve never seen a train station in tomorrowland.
Chris 27:45
What we’re gonna be hunting for next time we go I guess. Okay. All right. I think the obvious one here is the Tomorrowland Transit Authority people mover. Just go listen to Kelli’s previous episode breakdown of the people mover. She explains in Grand detail. Why that is such an amazing ride. But you know, it’s not your average thrill ride in a theme park. So I’m calling it underrated.
Kelli 28:13
Not underrated. The people mover rocks.
Chris 28:17
Mickey’s philharmagic what do you think?
Kelli 28:20
Chris 28:22
I think so.
Kelli 28:23
They’re adding to it. They’re putting Coco in it.
Chris 28:25
I’m just saying I’m not saying that they don’t love it. The parks obviously aren’t getting rid of any of these. I’m just saying. I don’t think this is something the general person general wouldn’t put on their must dos.
Kelli 28:35
Right. Okay, right.
Chris 28:37
I don’t think maybe I’m wrong. Okay. A beautiful frankly unexpected concert hall featuring 150 foot wide 180 degree seamless wraparound screen. Classic Disney music. And amazing 4D special effects.
Kelli 28:55
Did you tell me once that is the that was the first 4D attraction?
Chris 28:59
No, I think I think that Muppet vision might have been Oh, okay. Yeah, okay. But nice segue cuz as we go over in the same vein, Muppet vision 3d. Okay. I think is this was introduced on May 16 1991. was actually introduced on the one year anniversary of Jim Henson’s passing. Oh, this was one of the last things he actually did before he passed in 1990. Okay, he directed this in January of 1990. 4d effects this thing blew my mind The first time I went in and watched it seen it Yeah, I think you and I sat through it. Yeah. I don’t remember it at all. Um Sam Eagle plays a pretty prominent role in it. So you love Sam Eagle.
Kelli 29:48
I do you love Sam Eagle. I think Miss Piggy is my favorite. And Kermit.
Chris 29:51
You like Ralf, Ralf is your favorite.
Kelli 29:53
I do love Ralf. Okay, I like them all.
Chris 29:59
I’ve heard this Ralf has never spoken again since Jim Henson telling me that because he was a voice Jim Henson’s favorite was oh, that’s, that is sweet. Um, so literally water hits you in the face from Fozzies little flower guy. Yeah. Do you remember? There’s when there’s smoke, there’s arrows that stick in the wall at various points. There are animatronics the Swedish chef rolls out a cannon from the back of the theater and blows the whole place up. It literally looks I remember all Yes, and I My favorite part is sweetums. The big hairy guy is like walking around on the screen. Like he’s on stage, and then he comes out literally out into the audience looking for one of the other characters. Okay. So they do a lot in there. And I think a lot of what they did for Muppet vision influenced the Disney’s philharmagic. But it was a big deal. I think when it first came out, I think it’s lost some luster among the faithul was they continue to add new and exciting things at Hollywood Studios in particular. Yeah. But the next thing on my underrated list is Star Tours. I think this was the what I wrote down here is that oh gee, Star Wars mania attractions at Walt Disney World. I can’t remember when they opened this thing. The lines were ridiculous. I thought it was the most amazing thing how they recreated this indoor forest. Indoor meaning the moon of Endor forest not like an inside forest, they had a live scale adat their, you know, the adat the big walking guy?
Kelli 31:41
I haven’t known anything you’re saying for like the last 20 seconds.
Chris 31:46
There, he’s got to hit the laser cannons that literally go pewpewpew but they shoot out water. I mean, I thought this thing was incredible. And he hadn’t even gotten into the ride yet. But now they’ve they’ve updated the interior of the ride. The simulation basically uses the same technology that smugglers run uses. Except you don’t even no smugglers. Except you don’t have to worry about manning any of the controls, you can just enjoy what they’re doing. And the ride. And every ride could be different because the scenes are different. Yeah.
Kelli 32:17
As you’re sitting here talking about it, I was really struggling to remember what it was.
Chris 32:20
I could tell on your face.
Kelli 32:22
But I remember now. I remember now I totally remember. Sure you go into like a room. And there’s like three rows of seats and you have to put all your stuff like under the chair and then C3PO comes out and like you’re in a hangar. And suddenly Darth Vader comes in. And you got to like zoom like you got to go.
Chris 32:43
Somewhere different every time right?
Kelli 32:45
You think that’s underrated? You think it’s underrated because the rise of the resistance?
Chris 32:50
Well, because of all of galaxy’s edge. Yeah, but I just think that it gets I think he gets, you know, shortchanged because it’s literally sits outside galaxy’s edge.
Kelli 33:04
Oh, I didn’t realize that.
Chris 33:05
Okay. Okay, good. Next underrated read the next we’re moving on to Epcot. Okay. Grand Fiesta tour, and Mexico. You don’t like that? Right? You know why? You know why? It’s underrated.
Kelli 33:24
I have such mixed feelings about it. I will only ride it if I can walk on okay. And maybe after I’ve had a margarita or two or three I enjoy it more than the best thing I like about that ride is the view you get of the people in the restaurant.
Chris 33:41
Yeah. Right. Yeah. So a kitschy ride.
Kelli 33:47
Much of the ride is like you watching them on TV screen. Yeah, the three Cabelleros were not on stage there for a while they’re back now they’re back and now I get it. They’re back. I’m just saying like they have not invested a lot in that ride to make it cool.
Chris 34:03
No, sure. And everybody wants them to change it to Coco something Coco themed Yes. Which they should, I like that idea. But for now I like it’s a quick way to get out of the you know, out of the heat. It’s a dark ride on water. And it also I love water rides. I Love Boat ride. Yeah, and I think it gives you a reason to go into what I think is also the most underrated pavilion.
Kelli 34:29
Oh I love Mexico Mexico is not an underrated pavillion. It’s easily in my top three. Yeah, maybe my top two.
Chris 34:34
I just loved that the whole thing’s indoors feels outdoors.
Kelli 34:37
Yes. I love the Mexico Pavilion. Yes, absolutely.
Chris 34:40
Living with the land. Do you think it’s underrated living with land?
Kelli 34:43
I do think it’s underrated. Not underrated enough to make me want to steal a cucumber, but I think it’s underrated. But I need to be able to walk on living with the land. I’m not gonna. If that waits any more than 10 minutes. I’m not riding it.
Kelli 34:55
Sure. I did not have anything that I considered underrated at Animal Kingdom. Some people had mentioned Kilimanjaro safaris, maybe because the scale of what they’ve done they’re so amazing that even as much as we love it, maybe we don’t give it enough credit. So underrated but I did have an overrated there. Oh, okay. The dinosaur ride.
Kelli 35:21
See? I was gonna say everything in that dino land is underrated.
Chris 35:25
Kelli 35:26
Yeah overrated. I’m messing up your cues here with overrated and underrated. Yes, yes.
Chris 35:33
Well, the dinosaur ride is for sure overrated.
Kelli 35:35
We’ve never ridden it because you’re like we have to go to the chiropractor after.
Chris 35:38
I have ridden it at least twice and it almost killed me both times. I will not ride that ride.
Kelli 35:43
But you and I haven’t read it ridden it because of that reason. And I’m fine with it.
Chris 35:48
Yeah. Well, there you go, folks. That is that is this week show check in next week when we you know try to find out if Kelli had all those snacks. That’s right. You know what else to do? Go out to wherever you downloaded this podcast. Like us subscribe, give us a review. It helps us out so much.
Kelli 36:12
It does and if you’re looking for more things Disney please visit SCFADP.com. That’s S for Super, C for Cali, F for fragiilistic, A for awesome, D for Disney, P for podcast. This week. What you need to be doing is following us on the gram. We are going to be lighting up the gram while we’re at Disneyland and California adventure. So make sure you’re following us on Instagram and we’ll share all of our you know, good times.
Chris 36:35
Yeah. And go out to YouTube. Subscribe to our channel out there. As we’ve told you we’ve we’ve made tons of changes out there. It’s a good time. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at SCFADP. The more the merrier. Yes, absolutely. That we hope to see you real soon.
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